Nets and Frequencies

Note:  Active New Mexico Traffic Handlers – Consider joining this group —> NM Traffic Groups.IO

 DAILY NETS (Some nets may take days off.  See notes)

 6:00-730 AMThe New Mexico Breakfast Club

Meets daily on 3939 kHz LSB.

6:30 AM – Four Corners Breakfast Net

Meets Monday through Friday on the following linked repeaters: 145.49 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Lybrook, NM; 146.74 (-, 100 Hz PL) Aztec, NM; 146.82 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Red Rock, AZ; 146.85 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Farmington, NM; 146.92 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Bloomfield, NM; 145.43 MHz (-, 136.5 PL) Dulce, NM

7:00 AM – The Senior Citizens and Travelers (SCAT) Net

Meets Monday-Saturday on the 145.33 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) and 444.00 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL) Sandia Crest linked repeaters.

        7:00 AM – 12th Region National Traffic Net

Meets daily on 3923.5 kHz LSB – Traffic net for NM, AZ, CO, UT, WY+

8:00 AM – Northern New Mexico 160-meter Roundtable Net

Meets Sundays through Fridays on 1920 kHz LSB.

8:45 AM – Rusty’s Raiders Net

Meets Monday-Friday on the 146.64 MHz (67 Hz PL) Mt Taylor, 146.90 MHz (-, 67 Hz PL) Albuquerque, 146.94 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Mt. Taylor, 146.96 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Capilla Peak, 147.06 (MHz +, 67 Hz PL) Tapia Mesa, 442.60 Mhz (100 Hz PL) Sandia Crest, and 449.55 Mhz (71.9 Hz PL), linked repeaters.

11:00 AM – New Mexico Veterans Service aka VA Net

Conducted by operators at N5VA based at Albuquerque Veterans Affairs hospital. Meets (at least) Monday-Thursday on 14.287 MHz USB.

6:00 PM MST or 7:00 PM MDT – New Mexico Roadrunner Traffic Net

Meets daily on 3939 kHz LSB.

7:00 PMThe Yucca Net

Meets daily on the 147.32 MHz (+, 162.2 Hz PL) Comanche Hill repeater.

7:00 PM MST / 8:00 PM MDT – Glynn’s Four Corners 2-Meter Net – TOTAH ARC NM5SJ

Meets Monday through Saturday on the following linked repeaters: 145.49 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Lybrook, NM; 146.74 (-, 100 Hz PL) Aztec, NM; 146.82 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Red Rock, AZ; 146.85 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Farmington, NM; 146.92 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Bloomfield, NM; 145.43 MHz (-, 136.5 PL) Dulce, NM


5:00 PM MST or 7:30 PM MDT – New Mexico ARES / EmComm HF Net

Meets on the First Sunday of every month on 3939 kHz LSB to discuss amateur radio support of all types of emergency communications including MARS, SAR, CAP, public service events. All stations invited.

8:00 PM – Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club Net

Meets on the 146.88 MHz (-, no PL) Los Alamos repeater.

7:00 PM – Northwest New Mexico EmComm Net Weekly – UPDATED 8/30/2024

      Sunday nights on the NM5SJ linked repeaters. Note: This is a closed net for EMCOMM, ARES only and         is operated by the NWNM EMCOMM Group

9:00 PMThe Amateur Radio Caravan Club Net

Meets on the 145.33 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) and 444.00 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL) linked repeaters


7:00 PM – Lea County Amateur Radio Net

Meets on the 444.150 MHz (+, 162.2 Hz PL), 444.250 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL), 444.350 MHz (+, 162.2 Hz PL) Lea County repeaters, Echolink node 281850 AG5BB-R, and West Texas Connection repeaters.

7:30 PM – El Paso D-STAR/D-RATS Net

Meets on any D-STAR repeater in the world that can be linked to the REF055A reflector.  D-RATS users may also join the net by logging into the AE5HE Reflector (, Port 9000).

7:30 PM – Sandoval County ARES Net

Meets each Monday except for the third Monday of each month on the 147.10 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL), 147.08 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL), 443.00 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL), and 443.10 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL) Sandoval County repeaters.

8:00 PM2-meter Weak Signal Net

Meets on 144.250 MHz USB

8:30 PM – Northern New Mexico Amateur Radio Net

Meets on the 145.19 MHz (-, 67 Hz PL) Pajarito Mountain repeater.  Backup repeater is the 147.02 MHz (+, 141.3 Hz PL) Tesuque Peak repeater.


6:30 PM – KC5JBO Memorial Simplex Net

Meets on 146.40 MHz simplex (Albuquerque area)

7:00 PM – Eastern New Mexico University Amateur Radio Club Net

Meets on the 146.82 (-, 67 Hz PL) Portales repeater

7:30 PM – Tailgate Tuesday Net

Meets on the 145.33 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) and 444.00 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL) Sandia Crest linked repeaters.

8:00 PM – Santa Fe ARES Net

Meets on Tuesdays preceding the Santa Fe ARES meeting on the 146.82 MHz (-, 162.2 Hz PL) Tesuque Peak, 147.20 MHz (+, 162.2 Hz PL) St. Vincent Hospital, 147.30 (+, 162.2 Hz PL) Elk Mountain, and 146.76 (-, no PL) San Antonio mountain repeaters.


6:45 PM – Mesilla Valley Radio Club Net

Meets on the 146.64 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Las Cruces repeater.

7:00 PM – Lincoln County ARES Net

Meets on the 146.920 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Alto Crest and 145.45 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Camelot repeaters.

7:30 PMSocorro ARES Net

Meets on the 146.68 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Socorro repeater.

8:00 PMThe Valencia County Amateur Radio Association Net

Meets on the 146.700 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Valencia County repeater.

8:00 PM220 Rag Chewers Net

Meets on the 224.480 MHz Albuquerque repeater.

8:00 PM – 70-centimeter Weak Signal Net

Meets on 432.150 MHz USB

8:30 PM (last Wed. of each month) – Valencia County Amateur Radio Association 70-centimeter Net

Meets on 442.700 MHz (+ 5 Mhz, 100 Hz PL) to exercise the VCARA FUSION 70cm repeater.


7:00 PMBernalillo County ARES Net

Meets on the 145.13 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL), 145.15 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL), and 442.050 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL) Albuquerque area linked repeaters.

7:30 PM – Bosque Youth Amateur Radio Club net

Meets on the 443.30 MHz (+, 100 Hz PL) Sandia Crest repeater.

7:30 PM – Tri-County ARES Net

For coordination of ARES members in Socorro, Torrance and Valencia counties.  Meets on the 146.96 MHz (-, 100 Hz PL) Capilla Peak repeater.

8:00 PM – New Mexico D-STAR Net

Meets on any D-STAR repeater in the world that can be linked to the REF055A reflector.

8:00 PM – Tri-County ARES Simplex Net

Monthly exercise net for ARES members in Socorro, Torrance and Valencia counties.  Meets on the fourth Thursday of the month on 146.55 MHz simplex.

8:30 PM – The New Mexico Swapnet

Meets on any New Mexico Mega Link or Upper Rio FM Society repeater.  Online listings can be found here. LINK APPEARD DEAD 8/29/2024


9:00 AM – New Mexico Ham Radio Preparedness Net – TITLE CHANGE 8/29/2024

Meets on the New Mexico Mega Link repeater system


08:45AM – Northwest New Mexico Digital Net NEW UPDATE 10/4/2024

Meets 7.120 USB FLDIGI Suite.  Plan text message traffic.  Contact Al Massaro KF5SMH

10:00AM – Bosque Amateur Radio Club Net NEW UPDATE 10/8/2024

Meets Saturdays except the 1st Saturday (Meeting).  Utilizes the Upper Rio FM Society repeaters.  146.900 (- 600 kHz) pl 67.0442.450 (+ 5000 kHz) pl 67449.550 (- 5000 kHz) pl 71.9
AllStar nodes are: 146.90 (42744) 442.450 (42751) 449.500 (42745) Contact Club President, Brian Listvan, KJ5CNC.

10:00AM – High Desert Amateur Radio Club Net aka “Chat Shack” NEW UPDATE 10/8/2024

      Meets Saturdays except the 3rd Saturday (Meeting).  Utilizes any linked MegaLink Repeater.  Contact President Mike Smith, KI5NBN.

6:30 PM – East Mountain FM Simplex Net – TIME CHANGE 8/29/2024

Meets on 146.55 MHz simplex.  Open to all hams, especially those living around the east side of the Sandia and Manzano mountains.

7:00 PM – Sacramento Mountains Radio Club Net

Meets on the SMRC linked repeater system (147.22 MHz, 147.34 MHz, and 146.96 MHz (100 Hz PL tone).  Open to all hams, especially those living around New Mexico’s Sacramento Mountains.

7:00 PM – Cibola County Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) Net NEW 9/1/2024

CCARC Net 7pm 147.180+ PL 100.0 Allstar Node 599320 Echolink 886614 KE5FYL-L I-40 Exit 81 Grants Milan, linked to Transeastern Microwave Ridge Site 145.390- CTCSS 127.2 & 444.950+ CTCSS 151.4, 442.275+ CTCSS 107.2 Milan K5HLH Allstar Node 529571 Echolink Node 182231 K5HLH-R. every Saturday.

Also, for CCARC, visit the Amateur Radio News Line Amateur Radio Newsline ( 6pm to 630pm MST Every Saturday