Action Required: Amateur Radio Parity Act (S. 1685)

New Mexico ARRL members and hams,

This morning I was contacted by ARRL President Kay Craigie N3KN regarding the Amateur Radio Parity Act.

We are at a critical time for S. 1685, The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015, in the United States Senate. The bill will be considered in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation next Wednesday. That is an extremely important step in the bill’s progress towards success.

We have learned that opponents of the legislation have urged their members to contact members of the Senate committee to communicate what can only be called bald-faced lies about the bill’s intent and effects.

A number of steps are being taken to counteract those lies. We, the membership, have to remind the Senators on the committee that amateur radio operators in their states want them to support this bill.

Senator Tom Udall is a member of the Commerce committee.  Please phone the Senator’s office in Washington, DC, or a local office. You can send an e-mail to the Senator using his official web page.   The message is simple:  “I am a constituent and a federally licensed amateur radio operator. I am contacting you to urge Senator Udall to support S. 1685, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, when it comes up for a vote in committee on November 18th. Thank you.”

The Senator’s office phone numbers are posted at  For your convenience, the DC office phone number is (202) 224-6621.  His official web page showing local office numbers and an e-mail template is at

Whether you phone or e-mail, the key thing is: Act now.

So let’s light up the Capitol switchboard.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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