Bob Longoria N5JH Appointed to Section Youth Coordinator

I would like to announce the appointment of Bob Longoria N5JH as a Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) for the ARRL New Mexico section.

First licensed in California in 1970 as WN6TPL, he tested in 1971 and passed both the General and Advanced licenses, and became WA6TPL.  During the past 46 years, he has been active for periods of times, when not pursuing a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University Northridge in 1977 and an MS degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1978.  He worked for 30 years at Sandia National Labs, and managed the Instrumentation Development Department at the labs for 15 years.  During his tenure at Sandia National Labs, he also served on the Engineering and Computer Science Advisory Committees for the University of Texas, Pan American in Edinburg, Texas and taught at the University of New Mexico in the Electrical Engineering Department for a semester.  Active over the past few years in amateur radio, he obtained his Amateur Extra license and is now N5JH.

He has worked with youth in Scouting, and over the last 32 years working in most positions in Scouting, and has been involved at the local, regional and national levels.  He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Great Southwest Council, and is the Western Region Area 6 Vice President for Outdoor Adventure.  He has served on the committees that published the past two Scouting Handbooks, and chaired the committee that published past Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader’s handbooks.

He is a resident of Albuquerque, and after a 45 year marriage to Sharon, has 3 children and 7 grandchildren, all residing in Albuquerque.  He has a passion for working with youth in the Scouting program, and is equally passionate about amateur radio.

Please join me in welcoming Bob to the New Mexico Section Field Organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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