I am pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Boedeker NM5BB as Assistant Section Manager for Northern New Mexico.
Bill is active in the Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club (LAARC) where he currently holds the position of Communications Officer. He is an ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator and oversees quarterly examinations at the LAARC facility in Los Alamos. Bill has taught several licensing classes around northern New Mexico. He has also run the local Sunday evening net as well as an informal SSB net on 28.440 MHz where Technician licenses could interact with hams across the state on 10 meters. Bill has also been central to the Field Day effort of LAARC. Over the years, he has acted as its Field Day Coordinator, making arrangements for the Field Day site, submitting the club’s entry to ARRL, and gifting a transceiver, antennas, several logging laptops, and a network equipment to the club.
In the public service realm, Bill is District Emergency Coordinator and RACES official for Los Alamos County and has built an effective relationship with the Los Alamos County Emergency Manager. His efforts were evident during the Los Conchas Fire in 2011 which forced the evacuation of Los Alamos County. He is also largely responsible for the ARES/RACES station at the New Mexico State EOC, where Bill oversaw the upgrade of amateur radio equipment including the installation of new antennas.
Bill holds an Extra Class licensee, is a Life Member of the ARRL.
Please join me in welcoming Bill as he assumes this new role.
Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio