A message from Ed James KA8JMW:
As December 31, 2017 is my final day serving as New Mexico’s ARRL Section Manager, I want to express my gratitude for your support, ideas, and involvement throughout the previous two and a half years.
During this time we have done numerous things together to modernize the New Mexico Section and position the Section to better serve ARRL members and hams across the state, including:
- Created a Section Facebook page as a forward looking platform be in contact with new demographics and younger people
- Created a more modern looking monthly/bimonthly Section newsletter which can now include pictures, formatted content, and more
- Appointed a number of new and proactive Section appointees: Jeff Burmeister W5OMU (Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator-MARS); Bob Longoria N5JH (Section Youth Coordinator); Alden Oyer AG5S (Section Traffic Manager); Jim Lommen KC7QY (Technical Coordinator); Pete Spotts NM5PS (Public Information Coordinator); Ed Poccia KC2LM (Assistant Section Manager for Education Outreach)
- Appointed Robert Truitt KE5OFK as Assistant Section Manager for Southern New Mexico to improve engagement and service to the ARRL membership and hams in the southern part of our state. Likewise appointed Bill Boedeker NM5BB as Assistant Section Manager for Northern New Mexico
- Published a monthly listing of new hams across New Mexico to provide clubs the opportunity for outreach and recruitment
- Established the annual New Mexico Section Ham of the Year and Club of the Year award program to recognize the hams and clubs who are working for the betterment of ham radio across New Mexico
- Created fun New Mexico specific awards centered on ARRL’s popular National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event
- Created an ARRL Field Day photo contest to highlight hams, clubs, and groups who take to the field for one of ham radio’s most popular operating events
- Engaged Congressman Steve Pearce’s office to help him become an amateur radio operator and help him with technical aspects of combining amateur radio with his passion for flying aircraft. Steve is one of only two licensed hams in the United States House of Representatives.
- Recognized High Desert Amateur Radio Club, Santa Fe ARES, and Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club with special pennants to signify their hard work as New Mexico’s only three clubs who’ve achieved and maintained their status as ARRL Special Service Clubs
None of the above would have been possible without our dedicated Section staff and volunteers, active clubs, and involved ARRL members. I am stepping down grateful for the opportunity to work with you, and for no other reason than to make room for even newer talent, enthusiasm, and energy to carry our Section and New Mexico’s amateur radio community even further ahead.
As ARRL received no nominations to fill New Mexico’s next Section manager term commencing January 1, nominations for elected Section Manager candidates are being solicited within QST magazine. I welcome anybody interested in seeking this important and fulfilling leadership role to contact me with their questions or to visit about what the position entails at (505) 265-4015 or ka8jmw@arrl.net.
Happy new year and I look forward to working you on the air in 2018.
Ed James KA8JMW