Bill Mader, Jr., K8TE – NM’s new Section Manager

Bill Mader, Jr., K8TE, Picked To Head ARRL’s New Mexico Section

Click here for official press release

Bill Mader, Jr., K8TE, has been selected New Mexico Section Manager for the American Radio Relay League, which announced the appointment today. He formally takes the reins on July 1.

As section manager, Mader, will be responsible for overseeing the League’s field organization in New Mexico, as well as for advising the leadership team overseeing the League’s Rocky Mountain Division.

“I view the section-manager position as one of service to ARRL members, Field Organization volunteers, and all hams throughout New Mexico. I already have a long relationship with the current and former Division Directors and other ARRL officials. I believe in democracy and transparency throughout the ARRL and will serve with members’ interest first in all I do,” Mader said.

“Continuity is an important factor in any organization. I plan to keep all current appointees in place through 2018. They have the corporate memory necessary to keep the Section running smoothly. I look forward to meeting as many as possible at the upcoming Duke City Hamfest/Rocky Mountain Division Convention in September!”

First licensed when he was 14 years old, Mader holds an Extra-class license and brings to the job a wealth of experience. He is an active contester, chases DX and has participated in DXpeditions, is the president of the Albuquerque DX Association and a member of the Board of Directors for the annual Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest, and has been active in emergency communications as emergency coordinator and Section Emergency Coordinator in New Mexico. He also gives talks frequently at hamfests throughout the Southwest, aimed at promoting technical excellence and operating excellence, with a special focus on contests and DXing.

Mader outlined his goals during the next few months and beyond.

“As the New Mexico Section Manager, I will assess the Section’s health, seek inputs from our ARRL members and appointees, and determine how best we can implement ARRL’s Strategic Plan. I will conduct an annual meeting for Section members and another for Section-level staff to develop a Section plan for improving communications with members, increasing ARRL and local club membership, fostering engagement of all Section amateur radio operators in the hobby, and focusing on increasing and improving mentoring (Elmers) throughout the Section.

“I look forward to visiting the many ARRL-affiliated clubs throughout NM to hear your concerns and ideas for the continued growth and awareness of the hobby within and outside ARRL membership. I fully support all efforts to get licensees involved, active, and on-the-air. I especially will seek ways to get school-age children licensed and active via STEM and effective Elmers. I look forward to serving you.”

Mader replaces Ed James, KA8JMW, who stepped down on Dec. 31, at the end of his term. Several ARRL members in the Albuquerque area nominated Mader to fill the vacancy after an initial call for nominations went unanswered. In the absence of additional nominees and a formal Section election, the League appoints the individual nominated.


The US Amateur Radio Service was established in 1934 by the FCC to increase the number of Americans capable of meeting emergency-communications needs; to increase the pool of people with technical skills; and to foster international good will through radio contacts with other amateur operators worldwide. The FCC currently has some 820,000 active amateur-radio licenses on its roster.

The American Radio Relay League is a non-profit organization based in Hartford, CT. It was founded in 1914 to establish and expand a network of amateur stations to relay messages across the US. Today, the League represents amateur-radio interests in Washington and internationally; produces well-respected technical publications; supports emergency communications and STEM education; and with FCC authorization holds classes and administers FCC license exams for new and current operators. The League has 170,000 members.

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