ARRL New Mexico Section News for July 2015
Field Day is behind us; Wow! What a weekend.
I was part of the W5MPZ team that headed out Friday to the West end of the Zuni Mountains. We were setup at the Quaking Aspen campground about 8 miles south of Ft. Wingate.
Despite the bugs and heat we were able to setup and operate a 2A along with a VHF station. The tall Ponderosa were perfect supports for the wire antennas. Two towers with yagis were erected. Our on the air activity was pretty much continuous expect for a couple hours due to lightning. The food and fellowship were fantastic.
I would like to recognize the following hams and clubs that I received traffic from.
- K8TE (Albuquerque DX Association)
- K5BIS (Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club and Amateur Radio Caravan Club)
- N6ZZ (San Lorenzo Contesting Club)
- KE5MIQ (Sacramento Mountains Radio Club)
- KC5OUR (Valencia County Amateur Radio Association)
Via WL2K
- W5YA (Escondido Radio Club)
- W5AQA (Socorro ARA)
Originating an NTS formatted message to the Section Manager was worth 100 bonus points.
Thank you to each individual and club who submitted pictures for the New Mexico Section Field Day photo contest. The photos are being reviewed now and winners will be announced soon.
You can check out what others were doing and share your Field Day experience at
Remember, Field Day logs must be submitted to ARRL no later than July 28th.
Thank you to every ham, group, and club who participated in this year’s Field Day tradition. If you weren’t able to participate, it’s never too early to start planning for next year.
Upcoming events around the New Mexico Section:
August 7th, 8th & 9th, 2015: ARRL New Mexico State Convention (Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest)
September 5th, 2015: Alamogordo Hamfest
September 19th, 2015: Pecos Valley ARC Tailgate (Roswell)
October 3rd, 2015: Socorro Hamfest
We regret to report that the following Keys are now silent:
Bill Ehret, KK5UJ.
Passed 6/20/15, Age.94.
Obituary in ABQ Journal 6/23/15.
Marlin Allison, K5MHA.
Rio Rancho, NM.
Passed 6/26/15, Age 59,
Obituary in ABQ Journal 7/1/15.
Bill Harvey, W5EE.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 6/9/15, Age 94.
Obituary in ABQ Journal 6/13/15.
Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the section:
Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.
Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio