ARRL’s Field Day is held the 4th weekend in June every year and is the largest operating event in Amateur Radio. From individuals or clubs operating from their home station to setting up in public or remote locations to activating their local EOC, hams throughout New Mexico participated in this years event. The results have been posted with 25 stations throughout the New Mexico reporting in for this years ARRL Field Day.
2015 ARRL Field Day NM Section Participants
- W5YA (Rancho Escondido ARC)
- N6ZZ (High Plains Contest Club)
- K5TQ
- W5UR (Albuquerque DX Association)
- W5MPZ (Rocky Mountain Ham Radio / Sandia National Labs ARC)
- KE5MIQ (Sacramento Mountains Radio Club)
- K5OUR (Valencia County ARA)
- K7IA
- KR5NM (Sierra Blanca ARC)
- W5PDO (Los Alamos ARC)
- W5B (High Desert ARC
- W5AQA (Socorro ARA)
- WB5LYJ (ABQ NW Valley Group)
- W9YA
- NM5SJ (San Juan County Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Team)
- N5LEA (Lea County Amateur Radio Group)
- W5CSY (Amateur Radio Caravan Club / Albuquerque ARC)
- KA5B (Eastern NM ARC)
- W5SAF (Santa Fe ARES)
- NB5T
- W5GZ
Full results for Field Day will be posted n the December issue of QST and can also be found at:
November is Sweepstakes month, the CW portion is Nov 7-9 and SSB Sweepstakes Nov 21-23. Check out and see if you can earn a “Clean Sweep”. For news features from the ARRL, see
The Deming Amateur Radio Club W5DAR will be hosting their first ever Winter Banquet. The banquet will be held on December 12th beginning at 11am, Ranchers Grill Steak House 316 E Cedar St. Deming, NM. Amateurs throughout NM and the region are invited to attend. RSVP by December 1st to: or on Facebook
The 17th annual SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) special event will take place Saturday, December 5, 2015, from 0000 UTC to 2400 UTC. SKYWARN Recognition Day, co-sponsored by the American Radio Relay League and the National Weather Service, pays tribute to Amateur Radio operators for the vital public service they perform. During the 24-hour event, Amateur Radio operators visit their local National Weather Service (NWS) office and work as a team to contact other hams across the world. This event is also aimed at strengthening the bond between Amateur Radio operators and local NWS offices.
The volunteer SKYWARN program comprises nearly 290,000 trained severe weather spotters — many of them radio amateurs — who identify severe storms and provide NWS forecasters with reports of local weather conditions during severe weather events.
SKYWARN Recognition Day is not a contest. The object is for stations to exchange some basic information with as many NWS stations as possible on 80 meters through 70 centimeters (excluding 1.25 meters). Repeater contacts are permitted. Stations exchange call signs, signal reports, locations, and a one or two-word description of the weather at their respective locations.
The National Weather Service provides event information on this Web site:
Each month in QST’s Field Organization Reports column, the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognizes the efforts of Amateur Radio operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and public service communication support. There are chances that you’re already involved with some aspect of Amateur Radio that would apply to the PSHR. For more information on the PSHR, visit
If you missed out on signing letters to your Congressmen supporting the Amateur Radio Parity Act at recent hamfests, don’t fret. You can still go to and generate your own. More details about this important legislation can be found at
Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:
November 14th, 2015: The Chuck Palmer memorial, Veterans Day Tailgate.
Rio Rancho, Intel south parking lot.
December 12th, 2015: Deming Amateur Radio Club Winter Banquet
Ranchers Grill Steak House 316 E Cedar St. Deming, NM. RSVP by December 1st to: or on Facebook
January 30th, 2015: Albuquerque Winter Tailgate Swapfest.
Albuquerque, Hoffmantown Church, 8888 Harper Dr. NE (northeast corner of parking lot)
February 27th, 2016: New Mexico Techfest
We regret to report that the following Key is now silent:
Jim Holston, W9FFR
Obituary, Albuquerque Journal
Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:
The New Mexico Net Counts report can be found on the section website. This includes net counts from the previous month as well as an archive of recent months net activity. The report is available at
Also on the Section website is a listing of recently licensed amateur radio operators across the state of New Mexico, based on public information provided by the FCC. Amateur radio clubs across New Mexico are encouraged to use this resource to reach out to new licensees in your area, welcome them to ham radio, and recruit them into your club. This listing is available at
If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me. More information on the Field Organization can be found at:
Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.