The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook!

The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook!  Visit or simply search for “ARRL New Mexico Section” on Facebook itself.

This page is dedicated to all topics regarding Amateur Radio in and about New Mexico.

The rules are simple: No Offensive Language (will get you removed and banned), keep your sarcastic comments to yourself (will also get you removed and banned).

Please, do post club meetings, pictures of your station (mobile, portable and home station…yup you can brag here!), VE test sessions, questions (there should be some Elmers to help you), ARES/RACES and EMCOMM…ANYTHING Amateur Radio can be posted there.

All licensed Amateur Radio Operators are welcome! If you’re planning on getting a license you’re also welcome there!

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.

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