Jeff Burmeister W5OMU Appointed ASEC-MARS

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff Burmeister W5OMU as an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, with focus on the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS).

First licensed with a novice class license in Cleveland in 1962, Jeff’s early interest in ham radio led him to study electrical engineering at The Ohio State University where he became interested in broadcast radio and television. Jeff interests include new technologies, space weather and propagation, astronomy, and physics. He also enjoy reading espionage and military novels, warm ocean beaches with palm trees, swimming, snorkeling and motorcycles.

You can find him on the air working CW and sideband, DX, Field Day and preparing for emergencies with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. He currently is a registered ARRL VE and emcomm instructor, and a Technical Specialist, Official Observer, and District Emergency Coordinator for Roosevelt County, NM.

Jeff recently joined the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) – he was very surprised to receive QCWA Certificates commemorating “Fifty Years of Service” and “Fifty Continuous Years of Service” as a licensed amateur radio operator…how time flies when we’re having fun!

Jeff is an active in MARS and will be the principal liaison between the ARRL New Mexico Section and MARS.

Professionally Jeff is the director of Engineering for KENW radio and TV at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales.

Please join me in welcoming Jeff to the New Mexico Section field Organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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