Alden Oyer AG5S Appointed Section Traffic Manager

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Alden Oyer AG5S as Section Traffic Manager.

Alden Oyer, AG5S, licensed since 1974, is a life member of the ARRL, and has been active in various traffic nets since the mid 1970s. He is active in public service work and in several local organizations including the Santa Fe ARC, Santa Fe ARES, Los Alamos ARC, the Albuquerque DX Association, and the Duke City Hamfest. He enjoys DXing, contesting, and operating special event stations using a variety of modes.

Alden worked on a variety of projects during an over thirty year career at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he made good use of his degrees in electrical engineering and nuclear physics. He retired in 2010 and now considers himself a full-time “professional amateur radio operator.”

Please join me in welcoming Alden to the New Mexico Section field Organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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