Initial newsletter from NM’s New Section Manager

By Bill Mader, K8TE

For those of you who follow ARRL news, you already know I have been selected to replace my predecessor, Ed James, KA8JMW, as your new Section Manager. I am glad for the opportunity to serve, offering back to the Amateur Radio Service and the ARRL that have given me so much over the last 58 years.

Before going further, I want to thank my friend Ed for his service! He went beyond his two-year term to give us an extra six months through the end of June. It is my honor to serve in his place and those who served before him. I am friends with Bill, W5YEJ, and Don, W5FHA, and knew Joe, W5PDY. It won’t be easy to live up to the standard each of them set.

My primary roles are to represent the ARRL to you and to serve you as your representative to the ARRL. While written last, I view my service to you as first.

The Section Manager’s (SM) job is a big one! It covers the Five ARRL Pillars which include Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership found at:

A Section Manager accomplishes this primarily through his or her staff called The Cabinet. These are the officials appointed to carry out the ARRL’s Vision and Mission throughout each Section. The NM Section staff
listing is at: I will solicit each Cabinet Member’s continued service and thank them here for their full and enthusiastic support.

As a retired Air Force senior non-commissioned officer, I continue living by its three values: Integrity First; Excellence in All We Do; and Service Before Self. My vision is to lead the NM Section through these values and you should expect no less from me and my Cabinet. I have already met with several Cabinet members and will contact each in August to solicit the support of those willing and able to serve.

I have already begun to meet with some of you at NM club meetings. I visited four clubs’ meetings plus my own ADXA over the last month. I believe it is important for all NM hams to know about the ARRL Five Pillars and my role in implementing them. I have prepared a presentation for this and would be honored to give it at your upcoming club meeting.

I especially look forward to seeing many of you at the Rocky Mountain Division Convention, hosted by the Duke City Hamfest, 21-23 Sep: The NM State Convention will again be in Socorro on 21 Oct: These will be
the events to attend in the Southwest U.S.!

These are our Sections “Big 2” events each year. I encourage you to register now for the DCHF at the above link. Lodging, tables, forum slots, etc. are going fast! Sign-up now for the periodic e-letter to stay in touch as we add things. I hope to talk with you on-the-air or in-person soon.

One of my most important roles is to communicate with you, the Amateur Radio Operators who live in the great State of New Mexico. First, if not already signed up, I encourage to visit!/edit-info edit your e-mail subscriptions to receive the weekly ARRL Letter. Our official Section news site is For those so inclined, you can follow us on Facebook at:

The best way to reach me is at the e-mail address below. For specific questions related to the areas the NM Section Cabinet members cover, go to for their contact information. In most cases, they will have the answers you seek.

Have a great ham-radio August! Get involved. Get active. Get on the air!


Bill Mader, K8TE,
ARRL New Mexico Section Manager
ARRL – The National Association for Amateur Radio™
Duke City Hamfest BoD, Sept. 21-23, 2018
President, Albuquerque DX Association

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