AA Report August 2024 NM HF EmComm Net

Great participation this month. Thank you to Al, W5ACW for being net control. Propagation conditions were generally good during the net that lasted approximately 30 minutes. We had 1 station in Dona Ana, possibly W5, that we just could not pull out of noise level that was reported to be approximately S5 at the time.

September NM Counties:  11 of 33 for 33%:   Bernalillo, Eddy, Grant, McKinley, Sandoval, San Juan, Santa FE, Socorro, Taos Torrance, Valencia

22 NM Stations, 1 Colorado, LaPlata County, 1 El Paso, TX – 24 Total

Modes used: SSB phone, and WINLINK using VARA HF, Packet and Telnet.

Thank you and see you next month.



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