2016 ARRL New Mexico Section Award Recipients

Two annual awards have been established within the New Mexico Section to recognize a League member and ARRL-affiliated club within our ranks for their service and accomplishments. ARRL members across the state submitted their nominations, and it gives me pleasure to announce this year’s recipients: David Jorgensen WD5COV of Deming and the Sacramento Mountains Radio Club. Continue reading

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July 2016 issue of NM Section Newsletter posted

The July 2016 issue of the ARRL New Mexico Section newsletter has been posted!

This newsletter is intended to replace the monthly email-based Section news notes distributed through the League’s email system. With the new format that a newsletter brings, content can be expanded to include pictures and graphics.

Pertinent announcements will still be communicated to ARRL members via the League’s email system.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico

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2016 New Mexico Governor’s Field Day Proclamation

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez issued a proclamation for all amateur radio operators across the Land of Enchantment to mark ham radio’s most popular weekend: ARRL’s Field Day.

Click here to download and view the 2016 Field Day Proclamation.  Please print a copy and post it for all to see at your Field Day operation this weekend!

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico

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June 2016 issue of NM Section Newsletter posted

The June 2016 issue of the ARRL New Mexico Section newsletter has been posted!

This newsletter is intended to replace the monthly email-based Section news notes distributed through the League’s email system. With the new format that a newsletter brings, content can be expanded to include pictures and graphics.

Pertinent announcements will still be communicated to ARRL members via the League’s email system.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico

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May 2016 issue of NM Section Newsletter posted

The May issue of the ARRL New Mexico Section newsletter has been posted!

This newsletter is intended to replace the monthly email-based Section news notes distributed through the League’s email system. With the new format that a newsletter brings, content can be expanded to include pictures and graphics.

Pertinent announcements will still be communicated to ARRL members via the League’s email system.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico

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April 2016 issue of NM Section Newsletter posted

The April issue of the ARRL New Mexico Section newsletter has been posted!

This inaugural newsletter is intended to replace the monthly email-based Section news notes distributed through the League’s email system. With the new format that a newsletter brings, content can be expanded to include pictures and graphics.

Pertinent announcements will still be communicated to ARRL members via the League’s email system.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico


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ARRL New Mexico Section News: February 2016

Congressman Steve Pearce KG5KIQ has signed on as a cosponsor of Amateur Radio Parity Act.  Steve joins the ever growing list of sponsors of this important legislation, which if passed will extend the same protections of PRB-1 to hams living in areas governed by CC&Rs.  Thanks, Steve.

Bob Longoria N5JH has accepted an appointment as the New Mexico Sections new Youth Coordinator for Scouting.  Bob has worked with youth and scouting for over 32 years and is equally passionate about amateur radio.  If your a ham involved in scouting or youth activities, or interested in getting involved, please contact Bob at n5jh@arrl.net

Each month the Net Managers for the various nets submit their activity reports.  For January the SCAT Net broke 1000 check ins, well done. This is yet another indicator that amateur radio in NM is alive, healthy and growing.  Monthly net counts are posted on the NM Section Website at https://www.arrl-nm.org/wp/nets/net-counts.

National Parks on the Air (NPOTA). Throughout 2016 Amateur Radio is helping the National Park Service celebrate their 100th anniversary. Hams from across the country are activating NPS units, promoting the National Park Service and showcasing Amateur Radio to the public.  As of the date of this post, this months top five leaders in NM for activating NPOTA sites are  KE5AKL 19, W5IL 15, AI5P 9, AE5VM 6 and N5FO 6.  The top five NPOTA chasers in NM are K5TA 156, W5IL 118, N9KW 49, WB2RIS 40, K8TE 39 and KC7QY 29.  You can find out more about this fun operating activity at http://www.arrl.org/NPOTA and the NM NPOTA Challenge at https://www.arrl-nm.org/wp/section-awards/new-mexico-npota-challenge

Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:

February 27th, 2016:
New Mexico Techfest (Albuquerque).

May 13-15, 2016:
ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention (Keystone, CO)

May 21, 2016:
Pecos Valley ARC Tailgate (Roswell)

Aug 12-14: New Mexico ARRL State Convention / Duke City Hamfest (Albuquerque).


We regret to report that the following Key is now silent:

Jim Huesing, AF5MV.
Rio Rancho, NM.
Passed 1/26/16, Age 69.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 1/29/16.


Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what’s happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:  http://www.arrl-nm.org

The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook.  Stop by check out the action, feel free to post on anything related to Amateur Radio in and around New Mexico. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1655358684680850

If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me.  More information on the Field Organization can be found at: http://www.arrl.org/field-organization

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico

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Bill Boedeker NM5BB Appointed ASM for Northern New Mexico

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Boedeker NM5BB as Assistant Section Manager for Northern New Mexico.

Bill is active in the Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club (LAARC) where he currently holds the position of Communications Officer.  He is an ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator and oversees quarterly examinations at the LAARC facility in Los Alamos. Bill has taught several licensing classes around northern New Mexico.  He has also run the local Sunday evening net as well as an informal SSB net on 28.440 MHz where Technician licenses could interact with hams across the state on 10 meters.  Bill has also been central to the Field Day effort of LAARC. Over the years, he has acted as its Field Day Coordinator, making arrangements for the Field Day site, submitting the club’s entry to ARRL, and gifting a transceiver, antennas, several logging laptops, and a network equipment to the club.

In the public service realm, Bill is District Emergency Coordinator and RACES official for Los Alamos County and has built an effective relationship with the Los Alamos County Emergency Manager. His efforts were evident during the Los Conchas Fire in 2011 which forced the evacuation of Los Alamos County.  He is also largely responsible for the ARES/RACES station at the New Mexico State EOC, where Bill oversaw the upgrade of amateur radio equipment including the installation of new antennas.

Bill holds an Extra Class licensee, is a Life Member of the ARRL.

Please join me in welcoming Bill as he assumes this new role.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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Alden Oyer AG5S Appointed Section Traffic Manager

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Alden Oyer AG5S as Section Traffic Manager.

Alden Oyer, AG5S, licensed since 1974, is a life member of the ARRL, and has been active in various traffic nets since the mid 1970s. He is active in public service work and in several local organizations including the Santa Fe ARC, Santa Fe ARES, Los Alamos ARC, the Albuquerque DX Association, and the Duke City Hamfest. He enjoys DXing, contesting, and operating special event stations using a variety of modes.

Alden worked on a variety of projects during an over thirty year career at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he made good use of his degrees in electrical engineering and nuclear physics. He retired in 2010 and now considers himself a full-time “professional amateur radio operator.”

Please join me in welcoming Alden to the New Mexico Section field Organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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Bob Longoria N5JH Appointed to Section Youth Coordinator

I would like to announce the appointment of Bob Longoria N5JH as a Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) for the ARRL New Mexico section.

First licensed in California in 1970 as WN6TPL, he tested in 1971 and passed both the General and Advanced licenses, and became WA6TPL.  During the past 46 years, he has been active for periods of times, when not pursuing a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from California State University Northridge in 1977 and an MS degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1978.  He worked for 30 years at Sandia National Labs, and managed the Instrumentation Development Department at the labs for 15 years.  During his tenure at Sandia National Labs, he also served on the Engineering and Computer Science Advisory Committees for the University of Texas, Pan American in Edinburg, Texas and taught at the University of New Mexico in the Electrical Engineering Department for a semester.  Active over the past few years in amateur radio, he obtained his Amateur Extra license and is now N5JH.

He has worked with youth in Scouting, and over the last 32 years working in most positions in Scouting, and has been involved at the local, regional and national levels.  He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Great Southwest Council, and is the Western Region Area 6 Vice President for Outdoor Adventure.  He has served on the committees that published the past two Scouting Handbooks, and chaired the committee that published past Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader’s handbooks.

He is a resident of Albuquerque, and after a 45 year marriage to Sharon, has 3 children and 7 grandchildren, all residing in Albuquerque.  He has a passion for working with youth in the Scouting program, and is equally passionate about amateur radio.

Please join me in welcoming Bob to the New Mexico Section Field Organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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