Jeff Burmeister W5OMU Appointed ASEC-MARS

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff Burmeister W5OMU as an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator, with focus on the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS).

First licensed with a novice class license in Cleveland in 1962, Jeff’s early interest in ham radio led him to study electrical engineering at The Ohio State University where he became interested in broadcast radio and television. Jeff interests include new technologies, space weather and propagation, astronomy, and physics. He also enjoy reading espionage and military novels, warm ocean beaches with palm trees, swimming, snorkeling and motorcycles.

You can find him on the air working CW and sideband, DX, Field Day and preparing for emergencies with the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. He currently is a registered ARRL VE and emcomm instructor, and a Technical Specialist, Official Observer, and District Emergency Coordinator for Roosevelt County, NM.

Jeff recently joined the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) – he was very surprised to receive QCWA Certificates commemorating “Fifty Years of Service” and “Fifty Continuous Years of Service” as a licensed amateur radio operator…how time flies when we’re having fun!

Jeff is an active in MARS and will be the principal liaison between the ARRL New Mexico Section and MARS.

Professionally Jeff is the director of Engineering for KENW radio and TV at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales.

Please join me in welcoming Jeff to the New Mexico Section field Organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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Bill Mader K8TE Appointed Section Emergency Coordinator

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Mader K8TE to Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC).

Bill was first licensed in Feb 1960 as WV2RBF then upgraded to General in Oct to WA2RBF. He received KZ5WA at his first duty station in the (then) Panama Canal Zone. There he received a citation from the Governor for the assistance he provided during Hurricane Fifi recovery.

He transferred to Empire MI, upgraded to Extra and received the call K8TE. As vice-president and president of the Cherryland Amateur Radio Club in Traverse City, he brought their Field Day results from the bottom of 8th call district to near the top in 3A. Bill also was Emergency Coordinator for Leelanau County. While stationed at Canon AFB, he and others formed the New Mexicans Engaged in Radio Discussions (NERDs), an ARRL-affiliated club. They built the first repeater in Eastern NM with a range beyond 15 miles, installed at a TV station where Bill was an engineer. The repeater, long before wide cell phone access, provided coverage for emergency reporting. In 1979, the NERDs too first place in 1B Battery on Field Day. Bill also headed the Base Support Team for Air Force MARS. They provided communications for several plane crashes via VHF and HF.

An active contester and DX’r, he was the leadoff “professor” at DX University at the Duke City Hamfest/ARRL Rocky Mountain Division convention in Albuquerque for Aug 2014 and Contest Academy lead “professor” for 2015. He is the former newsletter (Que Pasa DX) editor (2nd time) for the Albuquerque DX Association (and former Activities Manager and President). He is a former member of Sandoval County ARES. He was a member of the W1AW/5 Team for the ARRL Centennial QSO Party and for the IARU contest in July 2015 and coordinated the 2015 W6H (New Mexico Route 66 On-the-Air) Team making over 4,000 of the 5,000 plus contacts.

He holds First Class Radiotelephone and 2nd Class Radio Telegraph licenses, both with radar endorsements.

As a 26-year Air Force veteran, Bill believes in giving back to ham radio and the community with a long record of public service. He looks forward to serving the citizens of New Mexico and all hams involved in emergency communications.

You can find out more about Bill on his QRZ page (  Please join me in welcoming Bill to the New Mexico Section field organization.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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ARRL New Mexico Section News: January 2016

It’s been over two weeks since Winter Storm Goliath plowed through New Mexico. Eastern New Mexico is still digging out and assessing the damage from the storm. Please post your experiences and photos from Goliath on the NM Section Facebook page.

Congratulations to Jeff Burmeister W5OMU on his appointment as a ARRL Public Service Emergency Communications Field Instructor (FI). The ARRL Continuing Education Program offers Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Courses (ARECC) that are conducted online and in the field employing the services of volunteer instructors and examiners.

Jeff is New Mexico’s only FI.

If you’re interested in becoming a FI checkout:


Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:

January 30th, the 21st Annual Winter Tailgate and Swapfest (Albuquerque).

February 27th, 2016: New Mexico Techfest (Albuquerque).

May 13th-15th, ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention (Keystone, CO)

Aug 12th-14th, New Mexico ARRL State Convention / Duke City Hamfest (Albuquerque).


We regret to report that the following Keys are now silent:

“Bud” Atkinson, K5DHZ.
Albuquerque, NM./Indiana.
Passed 12/28/15, Age 90+.
Reported by his Son.

Joseph “Joe” Hammond, W5IXX.
Roswell, NM.
Passed 12/5/15. Age 99.
Obituary in Roswell Daily News, 12/8/15.

Fred Barr, KB5ZRR.
Flora Vista, NM.
Passed 12/15/15. Age 63.
Reported by Four Corners Net.


Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:

The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook. Stop by check out the action, feel free to post on anything related to Amateur Radio in and around New Mexico.

If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me. More information on the Field Organization can be found at:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.

Happy New Year,
Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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Join the New Mexico Section NPOTA Challenge!

The year-long ARRL National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) operating event is underway! The event coincides with the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service.  Details about NPOTA can be found here:

New Mexico has 18 National Park Service monuments, parks, trails, and preserves that are ready for activators to visit and put on the air (or chasers to work from their shacks) between now the end of 2016.  A complete list of these units can be found here (search under New Mexico).

The ARRL New Mexico section is pleased to announce a fun NPOTA side-challenge within the New Mexico Section.  It is to encourage getting out into the field to activate our state’s NPS units for everyone participating in NPOTA to work and enjoy.

Complete details about the Challenge can be found by clicking here.

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New Mexico SEC Resignation, Call for Interest

This past Friday (December 25th) Michael Scales K5SCA tendered his resignation as Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC).  I am grateful for his many years of service to the New Mexico section.

Mike’s unexpected departure leaves a key opening within the New Mexico Section’s field organization staff that needs to be filled relatively soon.

This is a state-wide call for interest to the position of SEC.

The basic roles and responsibilities of the SEC are posted on ARRL’s website (  As with all key Section roles, an abundance of resources would be made available to help our new SEC be as successful and effective as possible.  These resources include:

  • Access to an internal ARRL email reflector that SECs from every ARRL section across the nation are subscribed to, enabling the exchange of ideas, best practices, lessons learned, etc.
  • Contact with key staff at ARRL headquarters in Connecticut who can assist with administrative functions, policy explanations, etc.
  • Close collaboration with and assistance from New Mexico’s devoted Section staff who play a variety of complementary roles across our state.

Anybody with questions or wishing to be considered for appointment to the position of New Mexico’s SEC should contact me at within the next week.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico

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ARRL New Mexico Section News for December 2015

Congratulations to Leonor Morrow, AE5UF from Arroyo Hondo who has been named a recipient of a 2015 10-10 International Net Scholarship.  Leonor is an Extra class license and is an active in the Taos Amateur Radio Club.  You can read more about this exceptional YL at:


There is a new ham in the house.  US Rep Steve Pearce (R-NM) of Hobbs has become the third Amateur Radio licensee in the Congress. Pearce recently became licensed as KG5KIQ.


On January 1st, 2016 ARRL membership dues will increase by $10 to $49 per year.  You can still renew for up to three years at the current rate.  I’ll be in Albuquerque at the Flying Star at 8001 Menaul on December 18th 8:30 to 10:30 & 19th10- noon accepting renewals or feel free to stop by and chat.  You can also renew your membership on line at:


For the past year, ARRL has been working in both houses of Congress to promote the Amateur Radio Parity Act.  This is legislation that would provide some relief on antenna restrictions for Amateurs living in deed-restricted communities. The bills are H.R. 1301 in the House of Representatives and S 1685 in the Senate. Complete information on the legislation is available here:

ARRL has set up a website that makes contacting your Representative an easy task.  When you visit that page, enter your Zip code and your information (name, address, etc.).  An editable draft letter will be created.  Once you make any desired edits, click the “send” button and your letter will be on its way.  If you prefer to contact your Representative by phone, the site provides that information for you as well.


Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:

January 30th, the 21st Annual Winter Tailgate and Swapfest (Albuquerque).

February 27th, 2016: New Mexico Techfest (Albuquerque).

May 13th-15th, ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention (Keystone, CO)

Aug 12th-14th, New Mexico ARRL State Convention / Duke City Hamfest (Albuquerque).


We regret to report that the following Keys are now silent:

Donald “Don” Fenstermacher, K5OWL
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 11/4/15, Age 56.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 11/14/15.

Michael “Mike” Stark, WA5OIP.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 11/20/15. Age 69.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 11/29/15

Donald “Don” Witschger, KC5VLV,
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 11/24/15. Age 90.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 11/15/15.

Paul Richey, WO5K.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 12/6/15 in California,  Age 93.
Reported by Son, Steve Richey, KD5RHR.


Each month in QST’s Field Organization Reports column, the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognizes the efforts of Amateur Radio operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and public service communication support. There are chances that you’re already involved with some aspect of Amateur Radio that would apply to the PSHR. For more information on the PSHR, visit:

Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:

The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook.  Stop by check out the action, feel free to post on anything related to Amateur Radio in and around New Mexico.

The New Mexico Net Counts report can be found on the section website.  This includes net counts from the previous month as well as an archive of recent months net activity.  The report is available at:

Also on the Section website is a listing of recently licensed amateur radio operators across the state of New Mexico, based on public information provided by the FCC.  Amateur radio clubs across New Mexico are encouraged to use this resource to reach out to new licensees in your area, welcome them to ham radio, and recruit them into your club.  This listing is available at:

If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me.  More information on the Field Organization can be found at:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Merry Christmas to All,

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook!

The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook!  Visit or simply search for “ARRL New Mexico Section” on Facebook itself.

This page is dedicated to all topics regarding Amateur Radio in and about New Mexico.

The rules are simple: No Offensive Language (will get you removed and banned), keep your sarcastic comments to yourself (will also get you removed and banned).

Please, do post club meetings, pictures of your station (mobile, portable and home station…yup you can brag here!), VE test sessions, questions (there should be some Elmers to help you), ARES/RACES and EMCOMM…ANYTHING Amateur Radio can be posted there.

All licensed Amateur Radio Operators are welcome! If you’re planning on getting a license you’re also welcome there!

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.

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2016 Rocky Mountain Division Convention: Call for presentations

If you have an interest in producing and giving a presentation for the 2016 Rocky Mountain Division Convention, to be held May 13-15, 2016 at Keystone, Colorado, please speak up!  The list of the forums that are in process can be found at:

Emit Hurdelbrink, W0UAW is taking the lead on marshaling up forum presenters for the convention.  Emit can be contacted at

Here’s another positive: If you’re a forum presenter, you will receive free registration to the Convention!

Registration for the convention is expected to open around December 1, 2015 and hotel reservations about the same time.  It will be an superb amateur radio event.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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Fall Issue of ARRL Radio Waves Newsletter available

ARRL has just published the Fall 2015 issue of Radio Waves.  Radio Waves is an E-Newsletter for Teachers and Instructors.

This issue includes such articles as “Using Sensors to Explore Terraforming,” “STEM School and Academy ARC Builds Repeater,” and “Community College’s DIY Spirit Shines for ARISS Contact.”  This issue also looks at how ham radio can help Boy Scouts to earn the Radio merit badge, news, ideas and support for instructors, ham radio instruction for people with disabilities, and the evolution of a licensing class.

To receive Radio Waves, register with ARRL as an Instructor or Teacher, or simply log into your ARRL account at and edit your personal profile by selecting Radio Waves as one of your email subscriptions.

Radio Waves is published quarterly by ARRL Education Services, you’ll find the current issue as well as past issues at:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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Action Required: Amateur Radio Parity Act (S. 1685)

New Mexico ARRL members and hams,

This morning I was contacted by ARRL President Kay Craigie N3KN regarding the Amateur Radio Parity Act.

We are at a critical time for S. 1685, The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015, in the United States Senate. The bill will be considered in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation next Wednesday. That is an extremely important step in the bill’s progress towards success.

We have learned that opponents of the legislation have urged their members to contact members of the Senate committee to communicate what can only be called bald-faced lies about the bill’s intent and effects.

A number of steps are being taken to counteract those lies. We, the membership, have to remind the Senators on the committee that amateur radio operators in their states want them to support this bill.

Senator Tom Udall is a member of the Commerce committee.  Please phone the Senator’s office in Washington, DC, or a local office. You can send an e-mail to the Senator using his official web page.   The message is simple:  “I am a constituent and a federally licensed amateur radio operator. I am contacting you to urge Senator Udall to support S. 1685, the Amateur Radio Parity Act, when it comes up for a vote in committee on November 18th. Thank you.”

The Senator’s office phone numbers are posted at  For your convenience, the DC office phone number is (202) 224-6621.  His official web page showing local office numbers and an e-mail template is at

Whether you phone or e-mail, the key thing is: Act now.

So let’s light up the Capitol switchboard.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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