Congratulations to Leonor Morrow, AE5UF from Arroyo Hondo who has been named a recipient of a 2015 10-10 International Net Scholarship. Leonor is an Extra class license and is an active in the Taos Amateur Radio Club. You can read more about this exceptional YL at:
There is a new ham in the house. US Rep Steve Pearce (R-NM) of Hobbs has become the third Amateur Radio licensee in the Congress. Pearce recently became licensed as KG5KIQ.
On January 1st, 2016 ARRL membership dues will increase by $10 to $49 per year. You can still renew for up to three years at the current rate. I’ll be in Albuquerque at the Flying Star at 8001 Menaul on December 18th 8:30 to 10:30 & 19th10- noon accepting renewals or feel free to stop by and chat. You can also renew your membership on line at:
For the past year, ARRL has been working in both houses of Congress to promote the Amateur Radio Parity Act. This is legislation that would provide some relief on antenna restrictions for Amateurs living in deed-restricted communities. The bills are H.R. 1301 in the House of Representatives and S 1685 in the Senate. Complete information on the legislation is available here:
ARRL has set up a website that makes contacting your Representative an easy task. When you visit that page, enter your Zip code and your information (name, address, etc.). An editable draft letter will be created. Once you make any desired edits, click the “send” button and your letter will be on its way. If you prefer to contact your Representative by phone, the site provides that information for you as well.
Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:
January 30th, the 21st Annual Winter Tailgate and Swapfest (Albuquerque).
February 27th, 2016: New Mexico Techfest (Albuquerque).
May 13th-15th, ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention (Keystone, CO)
Aug 12th-14th, New Mexico ARRL State Convention / Duke City Hamfest (Albuquerque).
We regret to report that the following Keys are now silent:
Donald “Don” Fenstermacher, K5OWL
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 11/4/15, Age 56.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 11/14/15.
Michael “Mike” Stark, WA5OIP.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 11/20/15. Age 69.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 11/29/15
Donald “Don” Witschger, KC5VLV,
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 11/24/15. Age 90.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 11/15/15.
Paul Richey, WO5K.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 12/6/15 in California, Age 93.
Reported by Son, Steve Richey, KD5RHR.
Each month in QST’s Field Organization Reports column, the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognizes the efforts of Amateur Radio operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and public service communication support. There are chances that you’re already involved with some aspect of Amateur Radio that would apply to the PSHR. For more information on the PSHR, visit:
Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:
The ARRL New Mexico Section is now on Facebook. Stop by check out the action, feel free to post on anything related to Amateur Radio in and around New Mexico.
The New Mexico Net Counts report can be found on the section website. This includes net counts from the previous month as well as an archive of recent months net activity. The report is available at:
Also on the Section website is a listing of recently licensed amateur radio operators across the state of New Mexico, based on public information provided by the FCC. Amateur radio clubs across New Mexico are encouraged to use this resource to reach out to new licensees in your area, welcome them to ham radio, and recruit them into your club. This listing is available at:
If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me. More information on the Field Organization can be found at:
Thank you for being a valuable member of the League. Your feedback is always welcome.
Merry Christmas to All,
Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio