ARRL New Mexico Section News for November 2015

ARRL’s Field Day is held the 4th weekend in June every year and is the largest operating event in Amateur Radio.  From individuals or clubs operating from their home station to setting up in public or remote locations to activating their local EOC, hams throughout New Mexico participated in this years event.  The results have been posted with 25 stations throughout the New Mexico reporting in for this years ARRL Field Day.

2015 ARRL Field Day NM Section Participants

  • W5YA (Rancho Escondido ARC)
  • N6ZZ (High Plains Contest Club)
  • K5TQ
  • W5UR (Albuquerque DX Association)
  • W5MPZ (Rocky Mountain Ham Radio / Sandia National Labs ARC)
  • KE5MIQ (Sacramento Mountains Radio Club)
  • K5OUR (Valencia County ARA)
  • K7IA
  • KR5NM (Sierra Blanca ARC)
  • W5PDO (Los Alamos ARC)
  • W5B (High Desert ARC
  • W5AQA (Socorro ARA)
  • WB5LYJ (ABQ NW Valley Group)
  • W9YA
  • NM5SJ (San Juan County Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Team)
  • N5LEA (Lea County Amateur Radio Group)
  • NR5ON
  • W5CSY (Amateur Radio Caravan Club / Albuquerque ARC)
  • KA5B (Eastern NM ARC)
  • W5SAF (Santa Fe ARES)
  • AB5JR
  • KC6KGL
  • NB5T
  • W5GZ
  • KF5RGU

Full results for Field Day will be posted n the December issue of QST and can also be found at:


November is Sweepstakes month, the CW portion is Nov 7-9 and SSB Sweepstakes Nov 21-23.  Check out and see if you can earn a “Clean Sweep”.  For news features from the ARRL, see


The Deming Amateur Radio Club W5DAR will be hosting their first ever Winter Banquet.  The banquet will be held on December 12th beginning at 11am, Ranchers Grill Steak House 316 E Cedar St. Deming, NM. Amateurs throughout NM and the region are invited to attend.  RSVP by December 1st to: or on Facebook


The 17th annual SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) special event will take place Saturday, December 5, 2015, from 0000 UTC to 2400 UTC.  SKYWARN Recognition Day, co-sponsored by the American Radio Relay League and the National Weather Service, pays tribute to Amateur Radio operators for the vital public service they perform. During the 24-hour event, Amateur Radio operators visit their local National Weather Service (NWS) office and work as a team to contact other hams across the world.   This event is also aimed at strengthening the bond between Amateur Radio operators and local NWS offices.

The volunteer SKYWARN program comprises nearly 290,000 trained severe weather spotters — many of them radio amateurs — who identify severe storms and provide NWS forecasters with reports of local weather conditions during severe weather events.

SKYWARN Recognition Day is not a contest. The object is for stations to exchange some basic information with as many NWS stations as possible on 80 meters through 70 centimeters (excluding 1.25 meters). Repeater contacts are permitted. Stations exchange call signs, signal reports, locations, and a one or two-word description of the weather at their respective locations.

The National Weather Service provides event information on this Web site:


Each month in QST’s Field Organization Reports column, the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognizes the efforts of Amateur Radio operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and public service communication support. There are chances that you’re already involved with some aspect of Amateur Radio that would apply to the PSHR. For more information on the PSHR, visit


If you missed out on signing letters to your Congressmen supporting the Amateur Radio Parity Act at recent hamfests, don’t fret. You can still go to and generate your own. More details about this important legislation can be found at


Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:

November 14th, 2015:  The Chuck Palmer memorial, Veterans Day Tailgate.
Rio Rancho, Intel south parking lot.

December 12th, 2015:  Deming Amateur Radio Club Winter Banquet
Ranchers Grill Steak House 316 E Cedar St. Deming, NM.  RSVP by December 1st to: or on Facebook

January 30th, 2015:  Albuquerque Winter Tailgate Swapfest.
Albuquerque, Hoffmantown Church, 8888 Harper Dr.  NE (northeast corner of parking lot)

February 27th, 2016: New Mexico Techfest


We regret to report that the following Key is now silent:

Jim Holston, W9FFR
Obituary, Albuquerque Journal


Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:

The New Mexico Net Counts report can be found on the section website.  This includes net counts from the previous month as well as an archive of recent months net activity.  The report is available at

Also on the Section website is a listing of recently licensed amateur radio operators across the state of New Mexico, based on public information provided by the FCC.  Amateur radio clubs across New Mexico are encouraged to use this resource to reach out to new licensees in your area, welcome them to ham radio, and recruit them into your club.  This listing is available at

If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me.  More information on the Field Organization can be found at:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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ARRL New Mexico Section News for October 2015

The annual Alamogordo Hamfest held early last month, was a success with around 300 hams from AZ, TX, OK, CO, NM, UT, and Mexico attending. A local 4×4 club put on a presentation. There were tables with local vendors, crafts and hams from NM as well as out of state.  See

The Socorro Hamfest was held early this month, as always well worth the trip.  The keynote speaker at the banquet on Friday was Dwayne Allen WY7FD, ARRL Rocky Mountain Division, Vice-Director.  Dwayne’s talk on “So You’re Bored with Amateur Radio?” was well received.  Notable VIPs attending this year’s hamfest were Brigadier General Andrew Salas, Adjutant General of the New Mexico National Guard and Brigadier General David Torres KF5OSE of the State Defense Force.  See

The statewide ARES meeting held at the Socorro Hamfest was addressed by Brig. General  David Torres KF5OSE.  The NM State Defense Force is seeking amateur ham radio operators to volunteer.  The mission areas of the State Defense Force include radio communications, medical, honor guard, chaplaincy, heavy vehicle driving and maintenance and public affairs.  See

Alden Oyer AG5S of Santa Fe graces the cover of the September issue of CQ magazine.  See

Jim Duffy KK6MC of Cedar Crest published an article in the Sept/Oct issue of ARRL’s National Contest Journal (NCJ) titled “Thoughts on Assistance in the June 2015 ARRL VHF Contest”.  It’s a good read.  See

Each month in QST’s Field Organization Reports column, the Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) recognizes the efforts of Amateur Radio operators who are active in many aspects of public service. This includes net operations, traffic handling, emergency operations and public service communication support. There are chances that you’re already involved with some aspect of Amateur Radio that would apply to the PSHR. For more information on the PSHR, visit

If you missed out on signing letters to your Congressmen supporting the Amateur Radio Parity Act at recent hamfests, don’t fret. You can still go to and generate your own. More details about this important legislation can be found at


Upcoming events in and around the New Mexico Section:

November 14th, 2015:  The Chuck Palmer memorial, Veterans Day Tailgate.  Rio Rancho, Intel south parking lot.  See


We regret to report that the following Key is now silent:

Ronald A. Keith, KE5OD
Las Cruces, NM. Age 70
Mesilla Valley Radio Club
Obituary in Las Cruces Sun News


Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:

A new feature of the Section website is the New Mexico net count report.  This includes net counts from the previous month as well as an archive of recent months’ net activity.  The report is available at

Also new to the Section website is a listing of recently licensed amateur radio operators across the state of New Mexico, based on public information provided by the FCC.  Amateur radio clubs across New Mexico are encouraged to use this resource to reach out to new licensees in your area, welcome them to ham radio, and recruit them into your club.  This listing is available at

If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me.  More information on the Field Organization can be found at:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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ARRL New Mexico Section News for August 2015

Last month was busy. Right on the heels of Field Day, I attended the 2015 Central States VHF Society Conference in Denver, Colorado.  It was an intense four days of talks and workshops covering VHF and above.  The highlight of the event was a rousing talk at the Saturday banquet by ARRL First Vice President Rick Roderick K5UR, an avid VHFer. If you haven’t attended one of these, I highly recommend it.  Next year it will be in Minneapolis, MN.

The following weekend was the 2015 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention held in beautiful Bryce Canyon, Utah.  It was a cozy affair with about 300 in attendance. The theme was “Ham Radio 101 & Beyond”, celebrating 101 years of the ARRL.  There were a variety of forums aimed at the beginner and advanced topics, and Dan Henderson, N1ND, the ARRL HQ Regulatory Information Manager, spoke on Sunday morning about “Getting On The Air — And Beyond”.  Next Year’s Division convention will be held in Keystone Resort, Colorado.

Finally wrapping things up was the 2015 Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest and ARRL New Mexico State Convention.  If you didn’t make it, you missed one heck of a hamfest.  At the Saturday banquet the keynote address was given by Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH. Riley’s talk focused on “Amateur radio in the world of today”.  Bill Boedeker, NM5BB, received the ARRL New Mexico Section Ham of the Year Award for 2015 and the Taos Amateur Radio Club was awarded the ARRL NM Section Club of the Year Award for 2015.  Santa Fe ARES was recognized as having achieved their ARRL Special Service Club status.  At the Saturday morning DX/Contesting Bob Allison, WB1GCM, give an interesting and informative talk covering, by the numbers, what makes a good contest radio.  There were about 850 in attendance. Three hundred and ninety letters to our representatives in support of the Amateur Radio Parity Act were generated, signed, and sent to ARRL HQ for hand delivery to Capitol Hill.  Thank you to all the volunteers who made the convention happen and stay tuned for details on next year’s event.

If you missed out on signing letters to your Congressmen supporting the Amateur Radio Parity Act, don’t fret. I’ll be at at the Alamogordo and Socorro hamfests so members can generate and sign them there.  Or you can go to and generate your own.  More information about the Amateur Radio Parity Act can be found at


Upcoming events around the New Mexico Section:

September 5th, 2015:  Alamogordo Hamfest

September 19th, 2015:  Pecos Valley ARC Tailgate

October 3rd, 2015:  Socorro Hamfest


We regret to report that the following Keys are now silent:

Sanford “Sandy” Fortner, WB5CYK.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 7/1/15, Age 92.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 8/2/15.

George Revels, K5FXN.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 7/12/15, Age 88.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 7/16/15.

Robert “Bob” Sparks, WB5QZD.
Socorro, NM.
Passed 7/12/15, Age 83.
Obituary in ABQ Journal, 7/16/15.

Jesse Brown, KE5DAN.
Clovis, NM.
Passed 7/12/15, Age 76.
Obituary in ABQ Journal 7/16/15


Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the Section:

New to the webpage is a listing of recently licensed amateur radio operators across the state of New Mexico, based on public information provided by the FCC.  Amateur radio clubs across New Mexico are encouraged to use this resource to reach out to any new licensees in your area, welcome them to ham radio, and recruit them to your club.  This listing is available at

If you’re interested in serving as a member of the ARRL New Mexico Section Field Organization, don’t hesitate to contact me.  More information on the Field Organization can be found at:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

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2015 ARRL New Mexico Section Award Recipients

As was announced previously, two annual awards have been established within the New Mexico Section to recognize a League member and ARRL-affiliated club within our ranks. ARRL members across the state submitted their nominations, and it gives me pleasure to announce this year’s recipients: Bill Beodeker, NM5BB of Los Alamos and the Taos Amateur Radio club.

Here is a thumbnail sketch of our recipients from their nominations.  Both will be recognized and awarded a plaque at this weekend’s ARRL New Mexico State Convention (Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest,  Please join me in congratulating them!


Bill Boedeker, NM5BB is in many ways an active and exemplary radio amateur operator.  Upon earning his licence, Bill became active in the Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club (LAARC) where he currently holds the position of Communications Officer.  He is an ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator and oversees quarterly examinations at the LAARC facility in Los Alamos. Bill has taught several licensing classes around northern New Mexico.  He has also run the local Sunday evening net as well as an informal SSB net on 28.440 MHz where Technician licenses could interact with hams across the state on 10 meters.  Bill has also been central to the Field Day effort of LAARC. Over the years, he has acted as its Field Day Coordinator, making arrangements for the Field Day site, submitting the club’s entry to ARRL, and gifting a transceiver, antennas, several logging laptops, and a network equipment to the club.

In the public service realm, Bill is District Emergency Coordinator and RACES official for Los Alamos County and has built an effective relationship with the Los Alamos County Emergency Manager. His efforts were evident during the Los Conchas Fire in 2011 which forced the evacuation of Los Alamos County.  He is also largely responsible for the ARES/RACES station at the New Mexico State EOC, where Bill oversaw the upgrade of amateur radio equipment including the installation of new antennas.

Bill holds an Extra Class licensee, is a Life Member of the ARRL and also serves as an Assistant Section Manager within the New Mexico Section.


The Taos Amateur Radio Club became ARRL-affiliated in 2012, is made up of about 60 members, and is very active within the surrounding amateur radio community.  It holds regular monthly meetings that are activity or skill focused, has established and maintains repeaters on remote mountaintops throughout northern New Mexico, conducts training nets for its members and area hams, recruits new members through several area partner organizations, mentors both new hams as well as people interested in becoming a ham one day, has an active Volunteer Examination team that provides on-demand testing sessions, has been a regular club participant of the New Mexico QSO Party, and has two active teenage members.  Taos ARC provides a great deal of service to the public as well.  It is a certified New Mexico Search & Rescue (SAR) organization, is essentially home to Taos County ARES, supports Taos county emergency management and police, has provided communications for the annual RoughRiders 200 mile bike race, and provides technical support for the local CAP squadron, fire department, and SAR teams. Taos ARC meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Taos County EOC.  Its website is

Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination for this year’s awards.  An announcement will be sent across the Section when nominations for the 2016 ARRL New Mexico Section Ham of the Year and 2016 ARRL New Mexico Section Club of the Year awards are open.

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2015 Field Day Photo Contest Results

Congratulation to the following winners and runners up of the 2015 ARRL New Mexico Section Field Day photo contest.  Thank you to every one and every club who participated in Field Day and submitted photos!

Individual Contributor category

“Arm Chair Copy at 2015 Field Day”.  (Photo by Romy Webb KD0PQU)

Winner: “Arm Chair Copy at 2015 Field Day”. (Photo by Romy Webb KD0PQU)

Runner up: Judy WB5LYJ.  (Photo by Jay Miller W5WHN)

Runner up: Judy WB5LYJ. (Photo by Jay Miller W5WHN)

Club Contributor category

Runner up: High Desert Amateur Radio Club.  (Photo by Jerry Aceto K6LIE)

Winner: High Desert Amateur Radio Club. (Photo by Jerry Aceto K6LIE)

Runner up: Valencia County Amateur Radio Association.  (Photo by Charlie Lyons NM5CL)

Runner up: Valencia County Amateur Radio Association. (Photo by Charlie Lyon NM5CL)

Runner up: Greyhound Amateur Radio Club. (Photo by Keith Wattenbarger KF5EHG)

Runner up: Greyhound Amateur Radio Club. (Photo by Keith Wattenbarger KF5EHG)

Runner up: Rocky Mountain Ham Radio / Sandia National Laboratories ARC. (Photo by Brian Mileshosky N5ZGT)

Runner up: Rocky Mountain Ham Radio / Sandia National Laboratories ARC. (Photo by Brian Mileshosky N5ZGT)

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KE5OFK appointed Assistant Section Manager for Southern New Mexico

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Truitt, KE5OFK of Las Cruces, NM as Assistant Section Manager (ASM) for Southern New Mexico.

Rob joined the Amateur Radio community in the spring of 2006, upgrading to Extra that same fall and active on the air ever since. He is President of Mesilla Valley Radio Club, and has led in that capacity since 2011.  Rob has also served as Repeater Director for the Mesilla Valley Radio Club since 2009. His interest includes antenna design and building, Broadband-HamNet / amateur radio mesh networking, and experimentation with QRSS.

As Assistant Section Manager for Southern New Mexico, Rob will fill an important need and play an important role by helping the New Mexico Section better assist ARRL members and clubs across the southern portion of our state, tracking activities and member needs, and applying ideas to issues and opportunities that impact amateur radio across southern New Mexico.

Please join me in welcoming Rob to the ARRL New Mexico Section staff.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
New Mexico Section Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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ARRL New Mexico Section Awards announcement

One of the great qualities of our ARRL New Mexico Section is that it is full of active League members who do many things that positively impact our amateur radio community.  We’re also fortunate to have numerous  ARRL-affiliated ham clubs across the Land of Enchantment that are teeming with activity and similarly benefit our community.  All deserve our gratitude.

I’m pleased to announce that two annual Section-level awards have been established to recognize and thank one such League member and ARRL-affiliated club in our ranks, beginning this year.

The ARRL New Mexico Section Ham of the Year award and the ARRL New Mexico Section Club of the Year award.

Nominations are being accepted right now, and are due no later than Sunday, July 26th. Recipients will be announced before the Section and awarded a plaque at the upcoming ARRL New Mexico State Convention (Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest, August 7-9).

Complete rules and online nomination forms for each award are available by clicking on the following links:

ARRL New Mexico Section Ham of the Year award

ARRL New Mexico Section Club of the Year award

We all know who the moving and shaking hams and clubs are within the New Mexico Section. Please take a moment to nominate them for recognition today.

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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ARRL New Mexico Section News for July 2015

ARRL New Mexico Section News for July 2015

Field Day is behind us; Wow! What a weekend.

I was part of the W5MPZ team that headed out Friday to the West end of the Zuni Mountains. We were setup at the Quaking Aspen campground about 8 miles south of Ft. Wingate.

Despite the bugs and heat we were able to setup and operate a 2A along with a VHF station.  The tall Ponderosa were perfect supports for the wire antennas.  Two towers with yagis were erected.  Our on the air activity was pretty much continuous expect for a couple hours due to lightning.  The food and fellowship were fantastic.

I would like to recognize the following hams and clubs that I received traffic from.


  • K8TE (Albuquerque DX Association)
  • K5BIS (Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club and Amateur Radio Caravan Club)
  • N6ZZ (San Lorenzo Contesting Club)
  • KE5MIQ (Sacramento Mountains Radio Club)
  • KC5OUR (Valencia County Amateur Radio Association)

Via WL2K

  • W5YA (Escondido Radio Club)
  • W5AQA (Socorro ARA)
  • WB5LYJ

Originating an NTS formatted message to the Section Manager was worth 100 bonus points.

Thank you to each individual and club who submitted pictures for the New Mexico Section Field Day photo contest. The photos are being reviewed now and winners will be announced soon.

You can check out what others were doing and share your Field Day experience at

Remember, Field Day logs must be submitted to ARRL no later than July 28th.

Thank you to every ham, group, and club who participated in this year’s Field Day tradition.  If you weren’t able to participate, it’s never too early to start planning for next year.


Upcoming events around the New Mexico Section:

August 7th, 8th & 9th, 2015:  ARRL New Mexico State Convention (Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest)

September 5th, 2015:  Alamogordo Hamfest

September 19th, 2015:  Pecos Valley ARC Tailgate (Roswell)

October 3rd, 2015:  Socorro Hamfest


We regret to report that the following Keys are now silent:

Bill Ehret, KK5UJ.
Passed 6/20/15, Age.94.
Obituary in ABQ Journal 6/23/15.

Marlin Allison, K5MHA.
Rio Rancho, NM.
Passed 6/26/15, Age 59,
Obituary in ABQ Journal 7/1/15.

Bill Harvey, W5EE.
Albuquerque, NM.
Passed 6/9/15, Age 94.
Obituary in ABQ Journal 6/13/15.


Please visit the New Mexico Section website for the latest information on what happening in amateur radio in and around the section:

Thank you for being a valuable member of the League.  Your feedback is always welcome.

Ed James, KA8JMW
Section Manager, New Mexico
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio

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New Mexico Section News for June 2015

June 8, 2015

A little more on Windows 10

I know that some of you are not Microsoft Windows users and would rather not hear about it so if you’re happy with OS X, UNIX, Chrome and other operating systems this paragraph is not for you and I promise this is the last time I’ll bring it up.
Windows 10 is scheduled for release on July 29th this year. You will have one year, until July 29th, 2016, to upgrade free if you have a qualifying OS installed on your device. Qualified OS’s include genuine W-7 (SP1), W 8.1 (update) and phone 8.1. To get W 10 click on the Windows icon near the right end of your task bar and follow the instructions in the box. If you do manual updates you’ve probably already seen the blue box that comes up asking if you want to reserve your copy of W 10.
To read the hardware requirements which are minimal and which version you will have downloaded to your device go here: Make sure you have the current version of your OS software with Service Pack if required (W 7).
All new software has glitches and leaves out features that a user someplace thinks should have been included. One Windows 8 user described the system as being like it was designed for “a multi-legged octopus with a fetish for touch screens” and had never been tested on real human users. The reviews I’ve read for users with pre-release versions of W 10 on their PC’s and Surface Pro 2 &3 are, for the most part, positive.
As for me, I’m ready for just about anything to replace 8.1 on my laptop. Windows 7 has done well for me on my table top PC’s but all good things come to an end and I don’t use either one to play DVD’s anyway.

73, Bill W5YEJ

Unidentified carriers on 40M
From the K0BOG OO reports for April 2015

We received an interesting report regarding what at first just appeared to be carriers on 7000.7 and 7000.87. When W9SZ checked into this further he discovered they were QRSS “squarer” beacons. Both were using 6 seconds per dit and spacing and 18 seconds per dash. When he contacted one of the stations he learned they were using approximately 200 milliwatts. The beacons were located in Oklahoma and New Mexico and received in Illinois. It’s amazing how far a QRPp signal can be heard.


KID’S DAY JUNE 21, 2015

The Explora Children’s Museum, in conjunction with High Desert Amateur Radio Club of New Mexico will be holding Kid’s Day on Sunday June 21 from 1200 to 1800 for area hams accompanied by a ham radio licensed kid up to 16 years of age for no admission fee. All those attending need to show is their ham radio license. More info

We will be operating from the museum “Community Room” just to the left past the main entrance.

73, Larry Elkin, NY5L


Rookie Roundup – August 16th

Rookie Roundup is scheduled 3 times per year. The 2015 schedule is April 19th – SSB; August 16th – RTTY; December 20th – CW. Time for all three events is 1800 to 2359 UTC.

Rookie Roundup is a contest aimed at Amateurs licensed for three years or less. Rookies can contact anybody, while “Old Timers” make contact with only Rookies. Mentoring is a big part of this event!

For more info go to


ARES Manual has been posted on the ARRL Web page

The updated and revised Amateur Radio Emergency Service Manual has now been posted on the ARRL Web page (in PDF), and it can be downloaded. A link to the Amateur Radio Emergency Service Manual can be found on the ARES Web page.

An ARRL news article, dated today (May 21), has announced this posting. Here is a link to the article.

Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team


APS has been selected for QSO with ISS Astronauts with
ARISS program

APS STEM Trajectory Initiative has been selected as one of only 14 educational entities out of hundreds of applicants to host a live QSO between Albuquerque students and astronauts on the ISS. This is a huge honor and speaks volumes about the great work done by the students and educators participating in the APS STI, as well as the Amateur Radio Community including HDARC, NM Space Studies/URFMSI, and DCHF. This whole initiative started out with a balloon launch at DCHF, not quite 2 years ago. Thanks to the accomplishments and teamwork between the APS Schools, the Jr ROTC program, the hams and the educators, our efforts have been noticed and the reward is that we’ll have a contact with the ISS in 2016.

And a lot more more info in the HDARC news

Bill, KY5Q


QCWA meetings are held on the second Saturday in March, June, September and December at Twisters on Eubank at Commanche at 12:30 PM. Next meeting on March 14.
The YL Breakfast is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We meet at The Village Inn on Wyoming, just south of Menaul, on the east side of Wyoming. The ladies have a table on one side of the room and the guys have another table on the other side. We do this so the guys don’t hear our secrets! Pat Wood, KE5FVS
Hero’s Club by Don Wood, W5FHA, past Section Manager

The “Hero’s club” is a listing of those generous hams who have contributed equipment for our efforts to get radio clubs into the schools and encourage the students to become active hams. The donated equipment will be available to any school amateur radio club in the state. A licensed amateur will be needed as the custodian of the equipment. There are only three requirements to obtain this equipment. 1) The custodian of the equipment must be 18 years of age or older and a General Class licensee or better, 2) The club must be sanctioned by the school, 3) A member of the school staff must be the sponsor of the club. The school sponsor does not have to be a ham. Available equipment is currently being inventoried and tested. Contact Don Wood, W5FHA ( for a list of the available equipment or to make your donation.
Hero’s club contributors include:
Robert Fox, KA5VRV; Christopher Aas, NB5T; William L. Nohrn, N5UNB; Raymond J. Caraveo, N5IZV; Evan R. Newlon, WB5HAM; Stuart Simon (Stu), K2QBU with a second donation; Jess Wright, W5QDW – SK; Don Wood, W5FHA; Ray Hill, KB5SF; Robbie Hill, KC5FT; Dan Oppenheimer, WB6CRG SK; John Ryan, NO5LF; Julianne P. King, KD5EFT; Larry Moore, WB5IZW; Judy Moore, KA5CRK; Ray Arvidson, W5RAU-SK; Robbie Arvidson, N4CHK; Roy Venaglia, KD5GBY; Art Priebe, N5ART; Ken Mazze, N5JUQ; Kermit Goettsche, KB5HA; Jim Koch, NH6YH, Kathleen McCaughey, KG5PX.

The information below is taken from club web sites or direct emails received from club members. Members may feel free to email me any time with their current club activities……..W5YEJ
Alamogordo Amateur Radio Club: Regular monthly meetings on the third Sunday of each month at 3PM at the New La Luz Volunteer Fire Dept., 51 JJ Henry, La Luz. The club participates in emergency planning and training with the local officials (city and county) and works with local civic groups to assist whenever communications are required for special events.
The 31st annual hamfest is on the way, September 5, 2015. Look for information on this page in the near future:
Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club: The Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club meets the first Saturday of the month at Vick’s Vittles for breakfast. Next meeting July 4th. Where is Vick’s you say? Vick’s is on the south side of Central — just east of Wyoming. See a map and a photo here. The meeting starts at 8AM but folks show up around 7AM to order breakfast and visit. The Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club sponsors N5VA – A Veterans Affairs Amateur Radio Station. The station is located in a courtyard on the New Mexico VA Health Care System campus.
Albuquerque DX Association meets on the last Wednesday of each month (except December and the first Saturday in January) at the Copper Canyon Café, 5455 Gibson Blvd SE, Albuquerque. Dinner at 5:30 and meeting at 6:30 PM. The Albuquerque DX Association is an ARRL sanctioned club that supports amateur radio activity in New Mexico. As the name of the club suggests, we are generally interested in DX contacts, but we also have members who participate in contesting, DXpeditions, emergency communications, and other areas of amateur radio activity.

FD this year will be at Torrance Co. Park near Edgewood. The base plan includes 2 CW stations, 1 SSB station, 1 VHF Station and one GOTA station. If we have greater participation than expected we’ll expand the station count.

Hope to see you there.

73 Bill W7QQ
ADXA Activities Coordinator

Amateur Radio Caravan Club (Albuquerque)

ANNOUNCEMENT – The Amateur Radio Caravan Club will hold its monthly meeting Friday the 12th of June, 7:00 PM, at the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Rd NE (SE corner of Academy and Moon). We typically gather at the Presbyterian Church around 6:30 PM to rag chew a bit and watch the coffee perk. Come early and catch up with your fellow Caravaners. Guests are always welcome!

PROGRAM – “Getting Started In Digital Radio” Jim Kajder AF5FH will give an encore presentation of his popular Duke City Hamfest talk on introductory digital amateur radio. He will discuss the modes, needed equipment, and recommendations for an interface and computer. Additionally, he will discuss software choices, hardware and software installation, operation instructions, suggested frequencies, and links to helpful online resources.
Caravan Club-Net – On Sunday evenings at 9 PM, the Caravan Club Net is on 145.33 MHz and 444.00 MHz for the purpose of holding club business, passing traffic, making announcements of interest to Hams and just getting to know each other. Please join us on the net. We welcome all licensed hams.

Upcoming Events:
12 – Regular meeting, 7 – 9 PM, Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy NE.
26 – Summer Fun in the Park – The Summer Fun activity for June is CANCELLED due to Field Day on the next day.
27 – ARRL Field Day, noon to dark on Saturday only, Sister Cities Park (at McKinney & Harper NE which is northeast of San Mateo & Academy).

Caravan Club-Net – On Sunday evenings at 9 PM, the Caravan Club Net is on 145.33 MHz and 444.00 MHz for the purpose of holding club business, passing traffic, making announcements of interest to Hams and just getting to know each other. Please join us on the net. We welcome all licensed hams.
Visit our web site at for more info.


Carlsbad Amateur Radio Club (Carlsbad NM): The Carlsbad Amateur Radio Club welcomes all area amateur radio operators to our club meetings, held at 7PM on the first Thursday of each month at the Eddy County Fire Service Complex (formerly known at the Permian Basin Regional Training Center), 1500 Commerce Drive in Carlsbad. All area hams are also invited to join us for breakfast at IHOP on the 4th Saturday of each month, 2529 S Canal St in Carlsbad.

Weekly nets are held on the 147.36 (PL 123.0) repeater every Tuesday evening at 1830 local time, while the club 146.88 repeater is being rebuilt by N5MJ. The 2-meter net is followed by a 10m net on 28.420 at 2000 local time.

Club officers elected for 2015 are: Mike Mello, N5MJ, president; Tom Lewis, KG5ANO, VP; and Al Piper, KF5GKQ, secretary/treasurer

73, Mike Mello N5MJ

Duke City Hamfest: If you haven’t registered yet you can do it now for the Duke City Hamfest coming up August 7-9 at the Pyramid in Albuquerque.

Estancia Valley Amateur Radio Association:

The Estancia Valley Amateur Radio Association (EVARA) holds a club net every Thursday night (7:00PM) on the 146.72 repeater (-600 KHz shift,100Hz CTCSS) located in the Tijeras/Manzano Mountains. Club members are checked in first with club business/discussion. Following that portion of the net, any Ham operator is invited to check-in and join the discussion. The Torrance County ARES net immediately follows the EVARA net. Hope to hear you!

The Estancia Valley Amateur Radio Association (EVARA) holds its monthly club meeting on the 2nd Saturday of the Month. Meetings begin at 9:00 AM at the home of Daniel (KD7UFS) located at #5 Steer Trail (aka McCall Ct), Moriarty, NM. Steer Trail begins at the first left off of Green Road (aka A106) as one travels north after turning off of the I-40 Frontage Rd. The Green Rd – I-40 Frontage Rd interchange lies north of the western I-40 Business & I-40 interchange.
Gila Amateur Radio Society, Silver City. The Gila Amateur Radio Society is a small club, located in Silver City, New Mexico. GARS operates a 2 meter repeater on 146.98 MHz with a CTCSS tone of 103.5. The repeater is located atop Black Peak north of Silver City at an elevation of approximately 9,000 feet MSL in the Gila National Forest. The repeater is solar powered and consists of a Kenwood TKR-750 commercial repeater. All licensed amateurs are welcomed to use the repeater and enjoy a friendly QSO with any of the locals that may be nearby.

Members of the Gila Amateur Radio Society occasionally hold a net on Sunday evenings at 20:00 local (08:00 pm). This net is available to pass formal and informal traffic into and out of Silver City, Grant County, and surrounding areas. All licensed amateurs are welcomed.
For more information please contact the Gila Amateur Radio Society.
Greyhound Amateur Radio Club (Portales) The Greyhound ARES Net meets every Tuesday evening on the Midway Repeater (147.000 MHz frequency, 67 PL) to chat and to prepare for emergency communications. The club welcomes all amateurs, near and far, to check in and say hello. Don Criss, KE5UIA, is the net control station. Join in at 7:00 p.m. on the Midway repeater!

The club meets the first and third Saturdays each month. Meetings are held in Conference Room 203 in the KENW Broadcast Center on the campus of Eastern New Mexico University. Don’t forget the Thursday evening workshops at the Ham Shack! For more info see:
High Desert Amateur Radio Club by Jerry Aceto, K6LIE:

The next regular meeting of HDARC will be on Saturday, June 20th, 2015 at 10:00 AM. We meet in the Community Room of the APD Northwest Area Command station on Ellison 1 block west of Coors Bypass. Here is the latest award-winning newsletter, the June 2015 issue, in pdf format.

Come join us as we set up our remote stations, connect to the world, and share HAM Radio with the community:

Kids’ Day on June 21. See our newsletter for details.
Field Day on June 27 & 28 at Haynes Park in Rio Rancho. Setup on the morning of June 27. BBQ at 5 PM on June 27.
Duke City Hamfest August 7 – 9. We will run the Special Event Station during the Hamfest.

VE Testing is available the third Saturday of every month in the Community Room of APD Northwest Area Command Station.
The next scheduled test date is June 20, 2015 at 12:30 PM.

For the month of May we had 5 people test with the following results:
3 People passed Element 2, Technician, 2 did not.
Overall results,
3 Technicians.
Congratulations to all who passed and thank you to the VE team.
Rick Rood, KF5JAJ

Coffee every Wednesday at 1 pm at Flying Star in Corrales.
Breakfast every Thursday morning at Flying Star in Corrales at 7:30 AM.

Go to for details on our club and our activities.
73… Jerry Aceto, K6LIE
President – High Desert ARC of New Mexico


Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club usually meets the second Friday of every month at CD-1, 4017 Arkansas St., Los Alamos, NM 87544. Members begin arriving at 7:00 PM. The meeting begins at 8:00 PM. LAARC sponsors two weekly nets; a Two Meter FM Net that meets on Sunday at 2000 local time on the W5PDO repeater on 146.88 MHz and a Ten Meter SSB Net that meets later on Sunday at 2100 local time on 28.440 MHz USB. More info and to check out the capabilities of our emergency communications trailer, go to

Mesilla Valley Radio Club (Las Cruces) Meets on Saturday mornings at 06:00 AM for an informal at Village Inn on Telshore. Informal at Wal-Mart at 10:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. MVRC net on 146.64 repeater at 6:45 PM on Wednesdays. Next regular club business meeting on the first Saturday of the month at the club house, breakfast at 9 AM, meeting at 10 AM. for more info and calendar.


Mid Rio Grande Amateur Radio Club (Albuquerque):

The club VE group, Malapais VE group still gives Amateur exams on demand. We give exams to anyone any day and time 356 days a year. The exam team also gives all commercial exams on demand as well.
Club meetings are on the 4th Saturday of the month at 1PM at the APD NW command building across from Cibola HS on Ellison Blvd. Coffee klatch meetings are at the Village Inn in Rio Rancho across from INTEL off 528 every Wednesday at 1 PM (please note time change from noon to 1 PM).

For July we will be setting up a family dinner at a local restaurant for companionship and good conversation.
73, Kennie W5KLW

MRGARC will be conducting a General class the first two weekends in June, 6 and 7th and 13th and 14th, 9 to 4. June 14th at 2 PM will be open exam. Sign up with Jim Hunter NM5JH at hunterabq (at) . New version of the General exam goes into effect on July 1st 2015. (You might be able to catch up if you missed out on the first two sessions).

73, Frank AB5WJ


Mimbres Valley Radio Club: The Mimbres Valley Radio Club was established to provide an association for persons sharing a common interest in amateur radio. It is the continuing purpose of the MVRC to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.
Next meeting June 10th, 2015 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, Deming High School Science building.
New Mexico Big River Contester specializes in…….contesting! More info contact
New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Amateur Radio Club, Albuquerque

New Mexico SAR Support Team, Albuquerque. Breakfast meetings at Copper Canyon Café at 5455 Gibson Blvd the second Saturday of each month at 0700, meeting at 0800. If you have an ATV/snow mobile or four wheel drive or want to provide communications and other support for SAR from our team trailer or work as a SAR dispatcher please come join us at the Copper Canyon Café, 5455 Gibson Blvd. Meetings the second Saturday of each month. Next meeting June 13th. Breakfast at 0700, meeting at 0800.
Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club (Roswell): The Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club (PVARC) is located in Roswell, NM and serves Roswell and the surrounding communities. The club operates under the call sign W5ZU and is open to all who are interested in the hobby of amateur radio. We work to promote and support the hobby of amateur radio in the Chaves County area through fellowship, education, outreach and community support. We invite you to learn more about us here at our web site, on our nightly VHF net, at our Saturday Coffee Klatch or at one of our regular meetings.

PVARC May/June Meetings Combined:

The next scheduled monthly meeting of the Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club will be Saturday, July 4th (but check before heading out!). This will be a combined meeting for May and June due to the Milkman Triathlon being held on June 6th which would normally be our June meeting date. All PVARC members are encouraged to attend as this will be a very important meeting. It will be our last meeting before Field Day and we still have a lot of plans and arrangements to make. The meeting begins at 9:00 AM at the PVARC headquarters at 402 N. Richardson in Roswell. The public is also invited. For more information call 575.208.9696.

VE TESTING: If you’ve been interested in taking your amateur radio license test, or if you’re interested in upgrading, make plans for Saturday, July the 18th. VE testing will be held at the PVARC headquarters located at 402 N. Richardson in Roswell beginning at 10:00 AM. Participants are urged to arrive no later than 9:30 to fill out the proper paperwork. Bring two forms of picture ID. The cost to take the test is $15.00. For more information call Garry at 575.420.0822.
Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, New Mexico:

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, New Mexico (RMHR-NM) recently entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Upper Rio FM Society to provide software administration, maintenance, updates, and advisement to URFMSI’s Capilla Peak and Albuquerque D-STAR repeater systems.


Sacramento Mountains Radio Club meets the second Sunday of each month at 2 PM at the James Canyon VFD on Hwy 82 east of Cloudcroft. Next meeting June 14th. The Club meets every Friday morning at 8am for a breakfast get-together. On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, the breakfast is held at the Western Cafe in the Village of Cloudcroft. The 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, the breakfast is held at the Mayhill Cafe in Mayhill. If there is a 5th Friday of the month, that breakfast is held at the Western Cafe. Net Saturday at 7 PM on the SMRC linked repeater system.

VE Testing Session Saturday, June 13, 2015, 10:00am. Testing starts at 10am. Bring cash or check for testing fee, ID, and copy of current license if you have one. Location : James Canyon VFD, Highway 82, Cloudcroft. Contact : Tom Smith, K5TCS

SMRC will conduct a VE test session at their Field Day site. Check the ARRL Field Day page and/or contact a Club member for details.

For information on club activities check our web site at


Sandoval County ARES Meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Rio Rancho Fire and Rescue Administration building, 1526 Stephanie Road in Rio Rancho. Net on Monday, except the 3rd Monday meeting night, on 147.10, 443.0, 443.1 and 147.08 repeaters (plus the Bern-Co ARES repeaters 145.13, 442.050 and 145.15) at 7:30 PM. All repeaters require a 100 Hz PL.

Please note: Our 443.1 repeater on Pajarito Peak was vandalized by lightning and is temporarily down while we wait for a new antenna.

More info at

Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club: The Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club has been around for more than 50 years. Our membership is wide and diverse and everyone is welcome. We meet face-to-face every Saturday morning for breakfast at the Pantry Restaurant, 1820 Cerillos Road in Santa Fe. We’re always happy to meet hams or interested persons. Visit our Meetings/Activities and Newsletter pages for times and places and other up-to-date info.


Santa Fe Amateur Radio Emergency Service (SFARES) by Donald Hinsman, N4VIP.
Santa Fe County ARES (SFARES) sponsors a monthly Net at 2000 on the Tuesday prior to the second Saturday (the nominal date for SFARES Meetings) of each month on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St. Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 Hz tone.) The purpose of the SFARES Monthly Net is to provide regular tests of member stations and to refresh net communication skills. While primarily for the benefit of SFARES members, any station within range of the Net is always welcome to check in. We especially welcome inquiries from stations about the Santa Fe ARES organization.

SFARES Meetings are on the second Saturday of the month and are held at the Santa Fe County EOC on NM Route 14 (35 Camino Justicia, Santa Fe) and start at 0900. Meetings normally include an informational lecture, training, administrative matters and finish between 1030 and 1100. SFARES has a club radio station (W5SAF).

SFARES also participates in the weekly D-STAR Net that meets on each Thursday starting at 2000 local on Reflector 055A. Normally, all D-STAR repeaters in New Mexico are linked allowing all D-STAR users to participate in the weekly Nets. The D-STAR Net is an Affiliated Net of the ARRL National Traffic System. The D-STAR Net discusses matters relevant to D-STAR, D-RATS as well as Emergency Communications.

Sierra Blanca ARC: The Sierra Blanca Amateur Radio Club is an organization of Amateur Radio operators based in Ruidoso, New Mexico, located in the Sacramento Mountains in the south-central part of the state. Join us for our weekly breakfast gathering on Saturdays at El Paraiso Mexican Restaurant in the Sierra Mall, Ruidoso. We start showing up when the restaurant opens at 8AM and testing about 1 hour later. Meet friends or make new ones, have a good breakfast, take the test, and leave with your new license on its way.

2015 Annual Meeting Information: Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 6:00 PM MDT. Location to be Determined.

In addition to a weekly breakfast gathering, we provide radio communications support during local emergencies, such as search and rescue missions and wildfires, as well as for various public service events in Lincoln County, NM. The club also sponsors two linked open VHF repeaters on 146.920 (-, 100Hz0 and 145.450 (-, 100Hz). Lincoln County ARES/RACES nets on 146.61 (100 Hz, – input) every Wednesday at 7 PM.

SBARC will administer exams on any Saturday with 48 hours advance notice. Details at:
Socorro Amateur Radio Association:
SARA Meeting: 19:30 hours local on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 in the Socorro County EOC, 198 Neel Ave.

Weekly Socorro ARES net at 20:00 hours local on Wednesdays (except on the second Wednesday of each month) on the SARA Repeater [146.68(-)]

This year the SARA Field Day will be held at the community center in the San Antonio Park,
right next to the San Antonio Fire station on Saturday, 27 June. The community center affords
us a cool visiting/dining area and the radio stations will be set-up under canopy outside.
Sometime after 6:00pm hamburgers and bratwurst with all the trimmings will be served. Margaret DiBella will be running the kitchen and Jim Boswell will man the grill.

SARA officers were elected at the May annual meeting:
President Jim Lommen, KC7QY, Vice President Brad Smith, KD5JNI, Secretary Prescott Grey,
W1PCG and Treasurer Clarence Seagraves, AA5RH were elected by acclamation.

2015 Socorro Hamfest Saturday, October 3, 2015 at NM Fire Fighter’s Academy, 600 Aspen St., Socorro, NM. No overnight RV parking at the hamfest site.


The Eastern NM Amateur Radio Club Clovis: Our monthly meeting is held on the Third Saturday of each month at the new meeting hall. Meetings will be held at the Disabled American Veterans Hall located at 220 West Fourth St. Meetings will still start at 09:00 am (09:00 hours). Weekly ENMARC net on Thursday at 7 PM on 147.24+. We are here to serve the Amateur Radio community in the Eastern New Mexico area. If you need help getting started in amateur radio, or just some help with a radio or project, please call on us. Also anyone wishing to test for a license or upgrade, PLEASE give us a call. We will schedule a test for only one person if necessary. We are here to serve and advance the Amateur Radio community in the local area. For local frequencies and other info about the club visit

Taos Amateur Radio Club
Our club holds a monthly net on the fourth Wednesday of each month at seven p.m. We usually begin on Picuris (club channel 1, 147.120 +/67.0) and use the MICKEY repeater (club channel 14, 444.875+/123.0) as a back-up.
Next monthly meeting is the second Wednesday of the month, 6 to 9 PM, at the Emergency Operations Center. See the web site for directions to the EOC.
All operators are welcome; see you there, 73, TaosARC. (For a complete listing of Taos area repeaters and other club info go to

Totah Amateur Radio Club: We meet at 7:30 PM the second Thursday every month at Fire Station #6 Farmington NM. Join us for breakfast most Saturdays at 7:30 AM at Los Hermanitos east in Farmington.
ARRL Affiliation: May 10, 1956
Upper Rio FM Society, Inc. (Albuquerque). The Upper Rio FM Society, Inc., (URFMSI) will hold its next quarterly meeting on Tuesday, July 14 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church located at 114 Carlisle Blvd., SE, in Albuquerque. Interesting programs and presentations usually follow the business portion of the meeting. Topics are announced in the membership mailing that occurs before each meeting. Please enter the church from the northern most entrance.
An updated and fully scalable repeater map has been uploaded. The printable list of all repeaters that can link to the Upper Rio has also been uploaded See the Analog Repeater page.
Valencia County Amateur Radio Association (Belen): VCARA net is conducted on Wednesday nights at 8 PM on the 146.70 repeater. VE testing June 13, 9 AM – noon at the club house. Next club meeting June 23rd at the Club House at 7 PM.


Tri-county ARES Net: Meets each Thursday at 7:30 PM on URFMSI repeaters for coordination of Socorro, Torrance and Valencia County ARES members and other interested amateurs. All stations are welcome to check in.

Charlie, NM5CL
President, VCARA

Welcome to VCARA

Net Traffic Reports for May (reported by ARRL ASM Don Grab, K5BIS):

NM Roadrunner Traffic Net: 1014/56.
NM Breakfast Club: 901/86.
Caravan Club Net: 93/10.
SCAT Net: 831/232.
Yucca Net: 402/66.
Four Corners Net: 510/27.
Rustys Raiders Net: 512/44.
Valencia County ARA Net: 42/19.
Boat Anchor Net: 61/6.
Tri-County ARES Net: 82/7.
Tri-County ARES Simplex Net: 8/1.
KC5JBO Memorial Net: 79 Checkins.
144 Mhz. SSB Net: 31 Checkins:
432 Mhz. SSB Net: 27 Checkins.
Coming Attractions – mark your calendars!

June 12, 2015: West Gulf Division Convention, Irving, TX.

June 21, 2015: Kids Day sponsored by ARRL.

June 27-28: ARRL Field Day 2015.

July 24, 2015: ARCA/Williams Annual Summerfest, Williams, AZ.

July 31, Aug 1 & 2, 2015: Utah Hamfest, Ruby’s Inn, Bryce Canyon UT.

August 7-9, 2015: Duke City Hamfest,

September 5, 2015: Alamogordo Hamfest, Alamogordo, NM,

October 3, 2015: Socorro Hamfest at the Socorro Fire Academy. Banquet October 2 at Bodega.

Silent Key Report (Reported by ARRL ASM Don Grab, K5BIS):
We regretfully note the passing of the following Amateur Radio Operator –

David B. Fein, NM5DF, Sandia Park, NM. Passed 6/1/15, Age 65. Obituary in ABQ Journal6/4/15

General Information
The Section Web site, designed and implemented by Mike Pendley, K5ATM, can be found at If your club or group is not yet set up on the web site please contact Mike at k5atm (at) and he will set up your login information. Our thanks to Mike for the great job he’s doing and many thanks to our web host sponsor, Southwest Cyberport (swcp).
Visit our national organization, ARRL, at and our Section web site at
73, Bill W5YEJ

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New Mexico Section News for May 2015

May 11, 2015
Is your ARRL membership current?

I’m not a life member of ARRL but I’ve been a member for most of my life. In the 80’s and 90’s while employed by General DataComm of Waterbury, CT, I had numerous opportunities to visit HQ ARRL and W1AW. I have to say that I’m in awe of the breadth of knowledge and genuine friendliness and courtesy of the folks in Newington and impressed with their willingness to answer your questions regarding Amateur Radio. But that’s not what they advertise in the Membership Benefits & Services brochure you can pick up at nearly any hamfest. Here’s what’s advertised:
The number one benefit on my list is Advocacy; “ARRL supports legislation that preserves and protects access to existing Amateur Radio frequencies as a natural resource for the enjoyment of all hams. ARRL is the strong voice of Amateur Radio in government matters. As a member, you contribute to the struggle to preserve our privileges. We can never afford to do less than what is necessary to protect the future of Amateur Radio.” Someone out there would like to have access to every frequency we have in every band but there’s a bit of safety in numbers. Sometimes we win, sometimes we gain, occasionally we lose, but we’re always represented by the League whether to the FCC or the WARC.
Number two on my list of benefits is QST, with sub-benefits; Product Review each month is my favorite column. New equipment is tested in the ARRL Lab each month to determine if it meets FCC Rule requirements and specifications as claimed by the manufacturer, how well it functions, how the manuals are written and more. This is a good place to start when you’re looking for new equipment as you’ll get a feel for exactly how it performs. Next comes It Seems To Us from the CEO followed by Letters from our Members — these two columns give your insight to what your fellow hams are thinking relative to Amateur Radio. Technical articles, contest scores, Section reports and, yes, commercial ads make this a valuable magazine but it’s more than that; it’s the official journal of our National Organization. Did I enjoy 73 by W2NSD when it was around? Sure. How about CQ? Yup. But QST is part of ARRL membership and no other organization exists to represent and protect our interests like ARRL does.
Number three (for my list) is the ARRL Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Plan. One of the clubs I belong to has an entire trailer of equipment insured through the ARRL insurance plan and the price is very affordable for a small club with less than optimum income. Your expensive shack (most of the equipment in it) can also be insured for very little money through the insurance plan. Equipment and clubs at: For auto and home:
These are very important but not in any particular order: E-Newsletters include the ARRL Letter, ARES E-Letter, IARU E-Letter, Division & Section News. You can sign up for a reminder to renew your Amateur License and get publication announcements and specials from ARRL. ARRL sponsors the most popular operating awards for those members living in the U.S. or its possessions and Puerto Rico. If you’re travelling out of country you can get reciprocal licensing information. Then there is the foreign outgoing QSL service which can easily make up for what you pay in annual dues as you save on postage. Want a “call sign at” email address? Free when you join.
There’s a lot more. If you received a renewal notice from ARRL and haven’t gotten around to sending it back in you can take care of it on the internet at or mail it in. I keep looking for a price increase but we’re still at $39 per year for a regular membership. The League and you need each other. As your Section Manager, I need YOU!
While you’re at it, how about visiting your local radio club if you haven’t been for a while. Most clubs are looking for additional members and I can recommend ALL of the clubs I have visited over the past three years. Maybe you have some special knowledge to impart to the club — clubs always need fresh presenters with fresh topics.

(By the way, QST is considered the #1 benefit by most members).

Want to talk? Call me: (505) 349-0460 will get to me most of the time. My cell number is on my answering machine. I do not do texts!

73, Bill,


FCC Commissioner says FCC is doing less with more.
From May 4, 2015

Here is a surprising comment from Commission member Ajit Pai. While every government agency in the U.S. is asking for more money he says FCC has enough already. Here’s the quote: also asked Pai to describe his position on the budget request submitted by the FCC to Congress this year.

“We should deny funding for some of the things the FCC wants to spend money on. Any funds, for example, to enforce these net neutrality regulations, [and] this shift of $25 million from the Universal Service Fund to the FCC itself in order to pursue its own policy priorities – I think we need to do more with less. I don’t think we’re doing that by asking for a much higher budget,” Pai said.

Pai concluded by saying the FCC was attempting to do less with more.

“If you look at how busy we actually are, we were much busier in 1996 in the wake of the ‘96 Telecomm Act. At that point, in today’s dollars, we had a budget of $277 million. Now the FCC is asking for almost $400 million even though we’re not as busy as we were then. I think it’s safe to say we could do with what we’ve got now if not less,” he said.
Rookie Roundup – August 16th

Rookie Roundup is scheduled 3 times per year. The 2015 schedule is April 19th – SSB; August 16th – RTTY; December 20th – CW. Time for all three events is 1800 to 2359 UTC.

Rookie Roundup is a contest aimed at Amateurs licensed for three years or less. Rookies can contact anybody, while “Old Timers” make contact with only Rookies. Mentoring is a big part of this event!

For more info go to


From the ADXA April Zero Beat newsletter by KK6MC

I hope that everyone had a good time in the New Mexico QSO party. Thanks to N7KA, Arne, for putting
W5UR, the club call on the air. As a reminder, the club call is available to members to use; see N5EPA
if you have an occasion to want to use it. All we ask is that you are a good representative of the club
when you use it. It is particularly nice to see it on the air representing NM and the Albuquerque DXers.

N5SJ was out mobile in the NM QSO party and put some of the western and northwestern counties on
the air that no one else did. K8TE did the same for the southeast and east central counties. I put 11
northeast and eastern counties on the air with Ginger driving. N5IRC put in a QRP effort from home and
I managed to work AG5S in Santa Fe from several counties. AA5B operated with K5TQ and KE5AKL
under K5TQ’s call.

Conditions were poor at the start of the contest in the morning and got worse as the day progressed.
Things turned around in the late afternoon though, and the last two or three hours were very productive.
Thanks to everyone who hung in there for the duration. Start planning for next year’s NMQP while the
memories of this years are still clear.
I worked a lot of CW, mostly because SSB was tough given the conditions, but it was a good reminder
of the effectiveness of CW under poor conditions. Plus those 2X points help. N5SJ made a number of
digital QSOes in his mobile, which he said proved useful in making up the 15 QSO minimum per

73 and good DX. – KK6MC


QCWA meetings are held on the second Saturday in March, June, September and December at Twisters on Eubank at Commanche at 12:30 PM. Next meeting on March 14.
The YL Breakfast is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. We meet at The Village Inn on Wyoming, just south of Menaul, on the east side of Wyoming. The ladies have a table on one side of the room and the guys have another table on the other side. We do this so the guys don’t hear our secrets! Pat Wood, KE5FVS
Hero’s Club by Don Wood, W5FHA, past Section Manager

The “Hero’s club” is a listing of those generous hams who have contributed equipment for our efforts to get radio clubs into the schools and encourage the students to become active hams. The donated equipment will be available to any school amateur radio club in the state. A licensed amateur will be needed as the custodian of the equipment. There are only three requirements to obtain this equipment. 1) The custodian of the equipment must be 18 years of age or older and a General Class licensee or better, 2) The club must be sanctioned by the school, 3) A member of the school staff must be the sponsor of the club. The school sponsor does not have to be a ham. Available equipment is currently being inventoried and tested. Contact Don Wood, W5FHA ( for a list of the available equipment or to make your donation.
Hero’s club contributors include:
Robert Fox, KA5VRV; Christopher Aas, NB5T; William L. Nohrn, N5UNB; Raymond J. Caraveo, N5IZV; Evan R. Newlon, WB5HAM; Stuart Simon (Stu), K2QBU with a second donation; Jess Wright, W5QDW – SK; Don Wood, W5FHA; Ray Hill, KB5SF; Robbie Hill, KC5FT; Dan Oppenheimer, WB6CRG SK; John Ryan, NO5LF; Julianne P. King, KD5EFT; Larry Moore, WB5IZW; Judy Moore, KA5CRK; Ray Arvidson, W5RAU-SK; Robbie Arvidson, N4CHK; Roy Venaglia, KD5GBY; Art Priebe, N5ART; Ken Mazze, N5JUQ; Kermit Goettsche, KB5HA; Jim Koch, NH6YH, Kathleen McCaughey, KG5PX.

The information below is taken from club web sites or direct emails received from club members. Members may feel free to email me any time with their current club activities……..W5YEJ
Alamogordo Amateur Radio Club: Regular monthly meetings on the third Sunday of each month at 3PM at the New La Luz Volunteer Fire Dept., 51 JJ Henry, La Luz. The club participates in emergency planning and training with the local officials (city and county) and works with local civic groups to assist whenever communications are required for special events.
The 31st annual hamfest is on the way, August 29th 2015. Look for information on this page in the near future:
Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club: The Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club meets the first Saturday of the month at Vick’s Vittles for breakfast. Next meeting June 6th. Where is Vick’s you say? Vick’s is on the south side of Central — just east of Wyoming. See a map and a photo here. The meeting starts at 8AM but folks show up around 7AM to order breakfast and visit. The Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club sponsors N5VA – A Veterans Affairs Amateur Radio Station. The station is located in a courtyard on the New Mexico VA Health Care System campus.
Albuquerque DX Association meets on the last Wednesday of each month (except December and the first Saturday in January) at the Copper Canyon Café, 5455 Gibson Blvd SE, Albuquerque. Dinner at 5:30 and meeting at 6:30 PM. The Albuquerque DX Association is an ARRL sanctioned club that supports amateur radio activity in New Mexico. As the name of the club suggests, we are generally interested in DX contacts, but we also have members who participate in contesting, DXpeditions, emergency communications, and other areas of amateur radio activity.

73, Bill, W7QQ

Amateur Radio Caravan Club (Albuquerque)
ANNOUNCEMENT -The Amateur Radio Caravan Club will hold its monthly meeting Friday the 12th of June, 7:00 PM, at the Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy Rd NE (SE corner of Academy and Moon). We typically gather at the Presbyterian Church around 6:30 PM to rag chew a bit and watch the coffee perk. Come early and catch up with your fellow Caravaners. Guests are always welcome!

Spring Tailgate a Huge Success – A very large crowd attended the Spring Tailgate co-hosted by the Amateur Radio Caravan Club and the Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club on Saturday, April 25th. Many vendors were set up and open for business before dawn…and they brought an impressive inventory to sell. The burrito wagon was also kept busy plying hungry hams with breakfast burritos and hot coffee. And the weather couldn’t have been nicer! Best of all this was a golden opportunity for hams to meet old friends and make new ones.

Caravan Club-Net – On Sunday evenings at 9 PM, the Caravan Club Net is on 145.33 MHz and 444.00 MHz for the purpose of holding club business, passing traffic, making announcements of interest to Hams and just getting to know each other. Please join us on the net. We welcome all licensed hams.

Upcoming Events:
12 – Regular meeting, 7 – 9 PM, Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8600 Academy NE.
26 – Summer Fun in the Park – The Summer Fun activity for June is CANCELLED due to Field Day on the next day.
27 – ARRL Field Day, noon to dark on Saturday only, Sister Cities Park (at McKinney & Harper NE which is northeast of San Mateo & Academy).

WEEKLY CARAVAN CLUB NET – Every Sunday evening at 9 pm: Club members and guests are invited to join in on the Caravan Club Net, this and every Sunday at 9 pm. Mingle with club members and guests and hear about the latest club news and events. Or just check in and say hello. Hosted by Roy KD5GBY. Linked Caravan repeaters are at 145.330 (- offset) and 444.000 MHz (+ offset), both with a 100 Hz PL tone.

Visit our web site at for more info.


Carlsbad Amateur Radio Club (Carlsbad NM): The Carlsbad ARC local net is on every Tuesday at 6:30 pm on the local 146.88 .repeater. Tune in for news and views and the latest QSTs! Also Net-wise, Local 10Meter net Wednesday 8PM on 28.420 MHz.

Don’t forget the Wednesday night West Texas ARES net on 147.12 repeater at 9:00 pm CDT!


Duke City Hamfest: Registration and a lot of information available at the web site:

Estancia Valley Amateur Radio Association:

The Estancia Valley Amateur Radio Association (EVARA) holds a club net every Thursday night (7:00PM) on the 146.72 repeater (-600 KHz shift,100Hz CTCSS) located in the Tijeras/Manzano Mountains. Club members are checked in first with club business/discussion. Following that portion of the net, any Ham operator is invited to check-in and join the discussion. The Torrance County ARES net immediately follows the EVARA net. Hope to hear you!

The Estancia Valley Amateur Radio Association (EVARA) holds its monthly club meeting on the 2nd Saturday of the Month. Meetings begin at 9:00 AM at the home of Daniel (KD7UFS) located at #5 Steer Trail (aka McCall Ct), Moriarty, NM. Steer Trail begins at the first left off of Green Road (aka A106) as one travels north after turning off of the I-40 Frontage Rd. The Green Rd – I-40 Frontage Rd interchange lies north of the western I-40 Business & I-40 interchange.
Gila Amateur Radio Society, Silver City. The Gila Amateur Radio Society is a small club, located in Silver City, New Mexico. GARS operates a 2 meter repeater on 146.98 MHz with a CTCSS tone of 103.5. The repeater is located atop Black Peak north of Silver City at an elevation of approximately 9,000 feet MSL in the Gila National Forest. The repeater is solar powered and consists of a Kenwood TKR-750 commercial repeater. All licensed amateurs are welcomed to use the repeater and enjoy a friendly QSO with any of the locals that may be nearby.

Members of the Gila Amateur Radio Society occasionally hold a net on Sunday evenings at 20:00 local (08:00 pm). This net is available to pass formal and informal traffic into and out of Silver City, Grant County, and surrounding areas. All licensed amateurs are welcomed.
For more information please contact the Gila Amateur Radio Society.
Greyhound Amateur Radio Club (Portales) The Greyhound ARES Net meets every Tuesday evening on the Midway Repeater (147.000 MHz frequency, 67 PL) to chat and to prepare for emergency communications. The club welcomes all amateurs, near and far, to check in and say hello. Don Criss, KE5UIA, is the net control station. Join in at 7:00 p.m. on the Midway repeater!

W5OMU advises the club will begin Technician classes soon. Contact one of the club members for more information.

The club meets the first and third Saturdays each month. Meetings are held in Conference Room 203 in the KENW Broadcast Center on the campus of Eastern New Mexico University. Don’t forget the Thursday evening workshops at the Ham Shack! For more info see:
High Desert Amateur Radio Club by Jerry Aceto, K6LIE:

The next regular meeting of HDARC will be on Saturday, May 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM. We meet in the Community Room of the APD Northwest Area Command station on Ellison 1 block west of Coors Bypass. Here is the latest award-winning newsletter, the May 2015 issue, in pdf format.

Come join us as we set up our remote stations, connect to the world, and share HAM Radio with the community:

May 13 at San Antonio ES in Sandia Park, East Mountains: station demo and HAM radio forum for multiple classes.
May 15 At Explora. Their theme is “Eggs-traordinary Engineering”.
May 18-21 at East Mountain High School, East Mountains: Forum, test preparation and VE testing.
May 26-29 at East Mountain High School for station demos and forums.
Kids’ Day on June 21. Details to follow.
Field Day on June 27 & 28 at Haynes Park in Rio Rancho. Setup on the morning of June 27. BBQ at 5 PM on June 27.

VE Testing is available the third Saturday of every month in the Community Room of APD Northwest Area Command Station.
The next scheduled test date is May 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM.

For the month of April we had 6 people test with the following results:
5 people passed Element 2, Technician
2 people passed Element 3, General
Overall results:
4 earned Technician
2 earned General

Congratulations to all who passed and thank you to the VE team.
Rick Rood, KF5JAJ

Coffee every Wednesday at 1 pm at Flying Star in Corrales.
Breakfast every Thursday morning at Flying Star in Corrales at 7:30 AM.

Go to for details on our club and our activities.
73… Jerry Aceto, K6LIE
President – High Desert ARC of New Mexico


Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club usually meets the second Friday of every month at CD-1, 4017 Arkansas St., Los Alamos, NM 87544. Members begin arriving at 7:00 PM. The meeting begins at 8:00 PM. LAARC sponsors two weekly nets; a Two Meter FM Net that meets on Sunday at 2000 local time on the W5PDO repeater on 146.88 MHz and a Ten Meter SSB Net that meets later on Sunday at 2100 local time on 28.440 MHz USB. More info and to check out the capabilities of our emergency communications trailer, go to

Mesilla Valley Radio Club (Las Cruces) Meets on Saturday mornings at 06:00 AM for an informal at Village Inn on Telshore. Informal at Wal-Mart at 10:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. MVRC net on 146.64 repeater at 6:45 PM on Wednesdays. Next regular club business meeting on June 6th at the club house, breakfast at 9 AM, meeting at 10 AM. for more info and calendar.


Mid Rio Grande Amateur Radio Club (Albuquerque):

The club VE group, Malapais VE group still gives Amateur exams on demand. We give exams to anyone any day and time 356 days a year. The exam team also gives all commercial exams on demand as well.
Club meetings are on the 4th Saturday of the month at 1PM at the APD NW command building across from Cibola HS on Ellison Blvd. Coffee klatch meetings are at the Village Inn in Rio Rancho across from INTEL off 528 every Wednesday at 1 PM (please note time change from noon to 1 PM).

The fourth Saturday in May, the 1 PM meeting will be a discussion about Field Day and where and what the club members will be doing. Last year the club did not participate in Field Day but this year, we would like to explore whether there is an interest to enjoy Field Day and the contacts that can be made. July we will be setting up a family dinner at a local restaurant for companionship and good conversation.
Kennie W5KLW

MRGARC will be conducting a General class the first two weekends in June, 6 and 7th and 13th and 14th, 9 to 4. June 14th at 2 PM will be open exam. Sign up with Jim Hunter NM5JH at hunterabq (at) . New version of the General exam goes into effect on July 1st 2015.

73, Frank AB5WJ


Mimbres Valley Radio Club: The Mimbres Valley Radio Club was established to provide an association for persons sharing a common interest in amateur radio. It is the continuing purpose of the MVRC to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.
Next meeting May, 13th 2015 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, Deming High School Science building.
New Mexico Big River Contester specializes in…….contesting! More info contact
New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Amateur Radio Club, Albuquerque

New Mexico SAR Support Team, Albuquerque. Breakfast meetings at Copper Canyon Café at 5455 Gibson Blvd the second Saturday of each month at 0700, meeting at 0800. If you have an ATV/snow mobile or four wheel drive or want to provide communications and other support for SAR from our team trailer or work as a SAR dispatcher please come join us at the Copper Canyon Café, 5455 Gibson Blvd. Meetings the second Saturday of each month. Next meeting June 13th. Breakfast at 0700, meeting at 0800.
Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club (Roswell): The Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club (PVARC) is located in Roswell, NM and serves Roswell and the surrounding communities. The club operates under the call sign W5ZU and is open to all who are interested in the hobby of amateur radio. We work to promote and support the hobby of amateur radio in the Chaves County area through fellowship, education, outreach and community support. We invite you to learn more about us here at our web site, on our nightly VHF net, at our Saturday Coffee Klatch or at one of our regular meetings.

PVARC May/June Meetings Combined:

The next scheduled monthly meeting of the Pecos Valley Amateur Radio Club will be Saturday, May 30th. This will be a combined meeting for May and June due to the Milkman Triathlon being held on June 6th which would normally be our June meeting date. All PVARC members are encouraged to attend as this will be a very important meeting. It will be our last meeting before Field Day and we still have a lot of plans and arrangements to make. The meeting begins at 9:00 AM at the PVARC headquarters at 402 N. Richardson in Roswell. The public is also invited. For more information call 575.208.9696.
Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, New Mexico:

Rocky Mountain Ham Radio, New Mexico (RMHR-NM) recently entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Upper Rio FM Society to provide software administration, maintenance, updates, and advisement to URFMSI’s Capilla Peak and Albuquerque D-STAR repeater systems.


Sacramento Mountains Radio Club meets the second Sunday of each month at 2 PM at the James Canyon VFD on Hwy 82 east of Cloudcroft. Next meeting June 14th. The Club meets every Friday morning at 8am for a breakfast get-together. On the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, the breakfast is held at the Western Cafe in the Village of Cloudcroft. The 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, the breakfast is held at the Mayhill Cafe in Mayhill. If there is a 5th Friday of the month, that breakfast is held at the Western Cafe. Net Saturday at 7 PM on the SMRC linked repeater system.

SMRC will conduct a VE test session at their Field Day site. Check the ARRL Field Day page and/or contact a Club member for details.

For information on club activities check our web site at


Sandoval County ARES Meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Rio Rancho Fire and Rescue Administration building, 1526 Stephanie Road in Rio Rancho. Net on Monday, except the 3rd Monday meeting night, on 147.10, 443.0, 443.1 and 147.08 repeaters (plus the Bern-Co ARES repeaters 145.13, 442.050 and 145.15) at 7:30 PM. All repeaters require a 100 Hz PL.

More info at

Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club: The Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club has been around for more than 50 years. Our membership is wide and diverse and everyone is welcome. We meet face-to-face every Saturday morning for breakfast at the Pantry Restaurant, 1820 Cerillos Road in Santa Fe. We’re always happy to meet hams or interested persons. Visit our Meetings/Activities and Newsletter pages for times and places and other up-to-date info.


Santa Fe Amateur Radio Emergency Service (SFARES) by Donald Hinsman, N4VIP.
Santa Fe County ARES (SFARES) sponsors a monthly Net at 1900 on the Tuesday prior to the second Saturday (the nominal date for SFARES Meetings) of each month on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St. Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 Hz tone.) The purpose of the SFARES Monthly Net is to provide regular tests of member stations and to refresh net communication skills. While primarily for the benefit of SFARES members, any station within range of the Net is always welcome to check in. We especially welcome inquiries from stations about the Santa Fe ARES organization.

SFARES Meetings are on the second Saturday of the month and are held at the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Posse Building at 3213 Rodeo Road, Santa Fe, NM and start at 0900. Meetings normally include an informational lecture, training, administrative matters and finish between 1030 and 1100. SFARES has a club radio station (W5SAF).

SFARES serves as Net Control for the twice-monthly NM D-RATS Nets. NM D-RATS Nets occur twice monthly on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Access will be on internet RATflector W5MPZ [Type: Network, Host address:, Port: 9000], (NM Statewide ARES RATflector). D-RATS is a program that integrates all software functions needed for ARES groups. The software utilizes internet or radio or both. “Or” means it doesn’t require a radio but can use one. Thus D-RATS is doubly useful. The NM D-RATS Net uses a parallel voice net to assist with training. The voice net uses D-STAR Reflector 055A that can be linked through any D-STAR repeater. Net Control will assist those without D-STAR voice access through the D-RATS chat function. All NM ARES members are strongly encouraged to participate in NM D-RATS Nets. The D-RATS software is free ( in Windows, Linux or MacOS with detailed instructions in the files section D-RATS Operating Guide 0.3.3.pdf and a Quick Set Up.pdf for the basic settings you need to get started using D-RATS.

SFARES also participates in the weekly D-STAR Net that meets on each Thursday starting at 2000 local on Reflector 055A. Normally, all D-STAR repeaters in New Mexico are linked allowing all D-STAR users to participate in the weekly Nets. The D-STAR Net is an Affiliated Net of the ARRL National Traffic System. The D-STAR Net discusses matters relevant to D-STAR, D-RATS as well as Emergency Communications. for more info. Facebook Page


Sierra Blanca ARC: The Sierra Blanca Amateur Radio Club is an organization of Amateur Radio operators based in Ruidoso, New Mexico, located in the Sacramento Mountains in the south-central part of the state. Join us for our weekly breakfast gathering on Saturdays at El Paraiso Mexican Restaurant in the Sierra Mall, Ruidoso. We start showing up when the restaurant opens at 8AM and testing about 1 hour later. Meet friends or make new ones, have a good breakfast, take the test, and leave with your new license on its way.

2015 Annual Meeting Information: Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 6:00 PM MDT. Location to be Determined.

In addition to a weekly breakfast gathering, we provide radio communications support during local emergencies, such as search and rescue missions and wildfires, as well as for various public service events in Lincoln County, NM. The club also sponsors two linked open VHF repeaters on 146.920 (-, 100Hz0 and 145.450 (-, 100Hz). Lincoln County ARES/RACES nets on 146.61 (100 Hz, – input) every Wednesday at 7 PM.

SBARC will administer exams on any Saturday with 48 hours advance notice. Details at:
Socorro Amateur Radio Association: SARA Annual Meeting: 19:30 hours local on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 in the Socorro County EOC, 198 Neel Ave. If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting for any reason, please download, complete and submit a proxy. You may assign your proxy to any member who will be attending the meeting. You may drop your completed proxy off with Al Braun (AC5BX) at Radio Shack, and he will get them to the meeting.
• Eligible Member Voters – New Members and Renewals posted on or before April 27th will be added to this list.
• Officer Nominations: At the April meeting the Nominations Committee made the following nominations for the coming year.

NM Section ARES & RACES HF net: May 17, 2015, at 19:30 hrs local in the Socorro County EOC, 198 Neel Ave. Plan to assemble 15 to 30 minutes before the net is called.

Weekly Socorro ARES net at 20:00 hours local on Wednesdays (except on the second Wednesday of each month) on the SARA Repeater [146.68(-)]

Socorro County ARES Meeting for the NM Section ARES & RACES HF net: April 19, 2015, at 19:30 hrs local in the Socorro County EOC, 198 Neel Ave. Plan to assemble 15 to 30 minutes before the net is called.

2015 Socorro Hamfest Saturday, October 3, 2015 at NM Fire Fighter’s Academy, 600 Aspen St., Socorro, NM. No overnight RV parking at the hamfest site.


The Eastern NM Amateur Radio Club Clovis: Our monthly meeting is held on the Third Saturday of each month at the new meeting hall. Meetings will be held at the Disabled American Veterans Hall located at 220 West Fourth St. Meetings will still start at 09:00 am (09:00 hours). Weekly ENMARC net on Thursday at 7 PM on 147.24+. We are here to serve the Amateur Radio community in the Eastern New Mexico area. If you need help getting started in amateur radio, or just some help with a radio or project, please call on us. Also anyone wishing to test for a license or upgrade, PLEASE give us a call. We will schedule a test for only one person if necessary. We are here to serve and advance the Amateur Radio community in the local area. For local frequencies and other info about the club visit

Taos Amateur Radio Club
Our club holds a monthly net on the fourth Wednesday of each month at seven p.m. We usually begin on Picuris (club channel 1, 147.120 +/67.0) and use the MICKEY repeater (club channel 14, 444.875+/123.0) as a back-up.
Next monthly meeting is the second Wednesday of the month, 6 to 9 PM, at the Emergency Operations Center.
All operators are welcome; see you there, 73, TaosARC. (For a complete listing of Taos area repeaters and other club info go to

Totah Amateur Radio Club: Totah ARC meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM at Farmington Fire Station 6, 3101 West Main at 7:30 PM. Join us for breakfast most Saturdays at 7:30 AM at Los Hermanitos east in Farmington.
Upper Rio FM Society, Inc. (Albuquerque). The Upper Rio FM Society, Inc., (URFMSI) will hold its next quarterly meeting on Tuesday, July 14 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church located at 114 Carlisle Blvd., SE, in Albuquerque. Interesting programs and presentations usually follow the business portion of the meeting. Topics are announced in the membership mailing that occurs before each meeting. Please enter the church from the northern most entrance.
An updated and fully scalable repeater map has been uploaded. The printable list of all repeaters that can link to the Upper Rio has also been uploaded See the Analog Repeater page.
Valencia County Amateur Radio Association (Belen): VCARA net is conducted on Wednesday nights at 8 PM on the 146.70 repeater. VE testing April 11th, 9 – noon at the club house. Next club meeting May 26th at the Club House at 7 PM.


Tri-county ARES Net: Meets each Thursday at 7:30 PM on URFMSI repeaters for coordination of Socorro, Torrance and Valencia County ARES members and other interested amateurs. All stations are welcome to check in.

Charlie, NM5CL
President, VCARA

Welcome to VCARA

Net Traffic Reports for April (reported by ARRL ASM Don Grab, K5BIS):

NM Roadrunner Traffic Net: 1071/55.
NM Breakfast Club: 897/88
Caravan Club Net: 73/12.
Yucca Net: 454/63.
Four Corners Net: 582/39.
Rustys Raiders Net: 505/65.
Valencia County ARA Net: 61/37.
SCAT Net: 989/267.
Tri-County ARES Net: 72/11.
ARES Simplex Net: 10/3.
Boat Anchor Net: 87/20.
144 Mhz. SSB Net: 47 Checkins.
432 Mhz. SSB Net: 45 Checkins.
KC5JBO Memorial Simplex Net: 83 Checkins:
KC5JBO Memorial Simplex Net: 129 Checkins.

Coming Attractions – mark your calendars!

May 15-17, 2015: Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, OH.

May 16, 2015: 15th Annual Swapfest/Picnic, Amarillo, TX.

May 23, 2015: 4th Annual Eastern NM Amateur Radio Tailgate, Clovis, NM.

June 6, 2015: Montrose Amateur Radio Club Tailgate Party,

June 6, 2015: 2015 White Mountain Hamfest, Show Low, AZ.

June 12, 2015: West Gulf Division Convention, Irving, TX.

June 27-28: ARRL Field Day 2015.

July 24, 2015: ARCA/Williams Annual Summerfest, Williams, AZ.

July 31, Aug 1 & 2, 2015: Utah Hamfest, Ruby’s Inn, Bryce Canyon UT.

August 7-9, 2015: Duke City Hamfest,

August 29, 2015: Alamogordo Hamfest, Alamogordo, NM,

October 3, 2015: Socorro Hamfest at the Socorro Fire Academy. Banquet October 2 at Bodega.

Silent Key Report (Reported by ARRL ASM Don Grab, K5BIS):
We regretfully note the passing of the following Amateur Radio Operators –

John Zubersky, AF5VG, Albuquerque, NM. Passed 4/1/15, Age 68. Obituary in Albuquerque Journal, 4/5/15.

Daniel “Dave” Donohue, AC5M, Albuquerque, NM. Passed 4/6/15, Age 77. Obituary in Albuquerque Journal, 4/7-8/15.

Dr. Lothar O.”Bud” Hoeft, WA5TBK, Albuquerque, NM. Passed 4/26/15, Age 83. Obituary in Albuquerque Journal, 5/1-3/15.

Lisa Gordon, KC8UNM, Albuquerque, NM. Passed April 2015, Age 40. From the May 2015 HDARC Newsletter.


General Information
The Section Web site, designed and implemented by Mike Pendley, K5ATM, can be found at If your club or group is not yet set up on the web site please contact Mike at k5atm (at) and he will set up your login information. Our thanks to Mike for the great job he’s doing and many thanks to our web host sponsor, Southwest Cyberport (swcp).
Visit our national organization, ARRL, at and our Section web site at
I would like to hear what your group is doing. Please email me at Please submit items by the 5th of the month to be included in the Section News.
73, Bill W5YEJ

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